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Enhanced oil recovery methods

Posted on:2011-11-12Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Siddiqui, Saif AhmedFull Text:PDF
The third stage of hydrocarbon recovery involves sophisticated techniques that alter the original properties of the oil. Enhanced oil recovery is normally used following secondary recovery (water flooding) process or these processes can be used at any time during the productive life of an oil reservoir when primary and secondary methods of recovery are ineffective and the tertiary methods are economically justified. Its purpose is, not only to restore formation pressure, but also to improve oil displacement or fluid flow in the reservoir. The methods used for enhanced oil recovery are energy intensive. Electric power is used for lifting, compressing, and re-injecting hydrocarbons or water around the enhanced oil recovery field.;The tertiary stage of hydrocarbon production is mainly employed when residual hydrocarbons cannot be recovered through primary and secondary techniques. The three major types of enhanced oil recovery operations are chemical flooding; gas injection and thermal recovery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Recovery, Methods
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