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Modelo computacional de un sistema para la extraccion de la energia cinetica de las olas

Posted on:2011-04-07Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Garavito Garzon, Carlos AndresFull Text:PDF
GTID:2441390002460063Subject:Applied Mathematics
The search for novel forms to generate electricity, renewable and clean, is a priority for today's society. Renewable energy resources exploited and exploitable in each place are: the ability to produce biomass, position relative to the sun, wind, sea and others.;The movement of the sea is a promising source of energy, renewable and clean, but conditions of each place are different, it makes difficult to use just one generation technology for every maritime area, each region has its specific conditions that benefit one to and other technology.;This research produced a mathematical and computational model for the extraction of kinetic energy from Sea Waves power, especially for superficial and intermediate depths. The system cost of a float and an arm coupled to an electrical generator, the mathematical model implemented allows the variation of different parameters to assist a glimpse of the possibilities, limitations, advantages and disadvantages of this particular form of generation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Renewable and clean
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