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Acoustic excitations in nanosponges, low-k dielectric thin films and oxide glasses

Posted on:2011-07-19Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Zhou, WeiFull Text:PDF
The invention of the laser has made optical spectroscopy techniques especially valuable research tools. Brillouin light scattering (BLS) is one such powerful technique to measure low energy excitations as acoustic phonons and magnons (spin waves) in materials.;In this thesis, the BLS technique is utilized to investigate acoustic excitations and the underlying physics in different media: carbon nanosponges, ultra thin low-k dielectric films and soda germanate glasses. The highlights include: (1) acoustic response of carbon nanosponges solvated in the organic solvent dimethylformamide (DMF) and the discovery of nanosponge formation by exposure to laser radiation. The observed acoustic mode is confirmed as the slow longitudinal wave within the nanosponge suspension. The counter intuitive result of the sound speed decreasing with increasing weight fraction of carbon nano tubes is found and modeled by an effective medium approximation theory; (2) in ultra thin low-k dielectric films, longitudinal standing waves, transverse standing waves and surface waves are observed and recorded. Using a Green's function method, the elastic constants are calculated by fitting the dispersion of these waves. The displacements of standing waves are also simulated and found to behave like the modes in an organ pipe; (3) the long wavelength bulk longitudinal and transverse modes in soda germanate glasses (Na2O)x(GeO2) 1-x glasses are found to be anomalous with increasing soda concentration. The elastic constants C11 and C44 are determined and related quantities such as the elastic energy are also found to have maxima around a soda concentration of x=17%. The elastic properties are compared with those of (Na2O)x(SiO2)1-x glasses, and structural differences are discussed to account for the origin of their different behaviors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Glasses, Low-k dielectric, Acoustic, Films, Thin, Nanosponges, Excitations
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