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Electromagnetically induced transparency and squeezed light

Posted on:2009-06-16Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Figueroa Barragan, Eden ValentinFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the experimental demonstration of novel methods for generating and interacting squeezed states of light with atomic ensembles. For the first time, three different techniques have been put together: narrow band non-classical light generation at atomic wavelengths using optical parametric amplifiers, electromagnetically induced transparency interaction in the quantum regime, and full state reconstruction after the atomic interaction using time domain homodyne tomography.;We used this approach to realize the first proof of principle experiment of storage of squeezed light. Given the nature of our experiment, these results can be extended to arbitrary quantum states of light, therefore achieving a universal toolbox for quantum optical memory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Light, Squeezed
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