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Research On The Mechanism And Mode Of Traditional Hand-crafted Taobao Village

Posted on:2021-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330647450824Subject:Urban Planning
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The rural areas in China have set off a wave of "Renaissance" represented by traditional handicrafts,and the traditional hand-crafted Taobao villages have become a new bright spot in the development of Taobao Village,with the help of the wave of Internet e-commerce,under the background of the comprehensive rejuvenation of traditional culture strategy and the upgrading of quality-oriented cultural consumption.This paper takes the traditional hand-crafted Taobao village as the research object to find out the differences between the traditional hand-crafted village and the industrial and agricultural products,and then deduce the formation mechanism of Taobao village of traditional handicraft.This paper is based on the existing academic achievements of scholars' case study or general summary of the formation mechanism of various types of Taobao village,combined with the author's fourteen in-depth field surveys of Taobao village.It is found that the two objective factors of blue ocean products and Internet e-commerce platform make the traditional handicraft products have the theoretical conditions of online marketing.Then,the two main bodies including government and grassroots bridge the products and platform through the "tangible hand",to form a good interaction mechanism,which can mobilize the subjective initiative of all parties,accelerate innovation diffusion,and promote the formation of traditional hand-crafted Taobao village.In this process,there are two different development modes.One mode is government driven: county government as the main body,uses planning to effectively allocate public resources in advance,which not only solves the hard infrastructure problem of e-commerce development,but also actively organizes and carries out various e-commerce activities,usually purchase professional operator services.The service provider teaches villagers in accordance with their aptitude by means of accompanying services,in order to cultivate knowledge farmers and promote innovation and diffusion which will realize the leap forward development of e-commerce of traditional handicraft industry.The other mode is spontaneous growth.Grassroots elites take the initiative to seize the new opportunities brought by the Internet to start e-commerce business.The villagers show the trend of self-organization and group development.They independently evolve and replace the old traditional handicraft production mode,in the aim of promoting the traditional handicraft industry to break through the "bottleneck period".And local government relatively later intervenes,by focusing on optimizing and upgrading the e-commerce environment.Through the empirical study of the typical cases of Pingle Village and Huozhuang Village,it is concluded that the revival of traditional handicrafts and the formation and development of Taobao village are characterized by the specialization of production organization,the formation of local functional nodes through spatial reorganization,and the inheritance of cultural diversity.Then,this paper studier further by summarizing of 16 typical cases of traditional hand-crafted Taobao village,with the location characteristics(urban edge,suburb,independent development)and product characteristics(comparison of product price,process value and material value)of Taobao village.After further comparing the development characteristics of these two modes,this paper analyzes the two modes may have or have had problems.It is included that the government driven type will too quantify the task to relatively ignore the sustainability of the development of Taobao village and the short market training cycle will make the lack of experience of e-commerce farmers and the low ability to resist risks.While the spontaneous growth type will have problems such as the long cycle of transformation online development,backward cultural brand construction,etc.And in view of the above problems,the corresponding planning measures are proposed.Finally,it points out that with the emergence and development of more traditional hand-crafted Taobao villages,"Renaissance" can promote the prosperity of rural industry,create livable space and improve the level of governance.But there are challenges such as insufficient cultural authenticity,weak industrial competitiveness and lack of brand construction.In the deconstruction and reconstruction of the future environment,we should adhere to the same rural specificity and villagers' subjectivity,adhere to the coordination of planning and governance,and realize the sustainable development of the countryside.The whole thesis contains about 55000 words,44 pictures and 11 charts.
Keywords/Search Tags:traditional handicrafts, Taobao village, formation mechanism, government driven, spontaneous grow
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