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Research On Interactive Upgrade Of Foreign Trade Structure And Industrial Structure In Xinjiang

Posted on:2021-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330629952393Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the advancement of economic globalization,the connection between the open economy sector and the industrial sector is increasingly close,and the economic growth is increasingly dependent on the double influence of industrial structure upgrading and trade structure optimization.The positive interaction and coordinated development of foreign trade structure and industrial structure is the key driving force for the healthy and sustainable development of China's export-oriented economy.As a bridgehead connecting China with Europe and Asia,xinjiang is the window and frontier of China's westward opening.The proposal of the silk road economic belt strategy has established a new pattern of China's comprehensive opening to the west and brought new opportunities for xinjiang's foreign trade and industrial development.Xinjiang should be involved in the construction of the silk road economic belt core opportunity,give full play to regional advantages and resources advantages,deepen economic and trade cooperation with countries along the silk road economic belt,constantly optimize the structure of foreign trade,to speed up the adjustment of industrial structure,strengthen the foreign trade structure and industrial structure interactive relation close degree,realize the foreign trade structure and industrial structure of mutual promotion and coordinated development,thus promote booming export-oriented economy in xinjiang.Based on the evolution and characteristics of xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure,this paper explores how xinjiang should make full use of its own resources and industrial advantages to promote the benign interaction and coordinated development of xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure.First,the evolution and characteristics of xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure.This paper discusses the evolution and characteristics of xinjiang's foreign trade structure from four aspects: the overall scale of xinjiang's foreign trade,the structure of foreign trade commodities,the structure of foreign trade modes and the structure of foreign trade market.Next,xinjiang foreign trade structure and industrial structure interactive relationship evaluation.Based on structural change effect index,the xinjiang foreign trade structure and industrial structure,glen granger causality test and vector autoregressive(VAR)model was constructed,to measure the interaction of both,further by building the coupling coordination degree model,respectively in xinjiang export trade structure,import trade structure and industrial structure of the coupling coordination degree calculation and analysis,to evaluate foreign trade structure and industrial structure interactive relation close degree;Third,the impact of xinjiang's foreign trade structure on the upgrading of industrial structure.By constructing a logarithmic regression model,the influence of the import and export of classified commodities in xinjiang on the proportion of the three industries is regressed,so as to measure the impact of xinjiang's foreign trade structure on the upgrading of industrial structure,and analyze the existing problems in the upgrading of industrial structure driven by xinjiang's foreign trade structure.Fourth,the impact of xinjiang's industrial structure on the upgrading of foreign trade structure.By constructing a semi-logarithmic regression model,the influence of xinjiang's three industries on the proportion of imports and exports of classified commodities is regressed,so as to measure the influence of xinjiang's industrial structure on the upgrading of foreign trade structure,and to analyze the problems existing in the upgrading of foreign trade structure promoted by xinjiang's industrial structure.Finally,xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure interactive upgrading of the countermeasures and support measures.Based on the evolution characteristics of xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure,and aiming at the problems existing in the interactive upgrading of the two,this paper puts forward the countermeasures and safeguard measures for the interactive upgrading of xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure.Through the above study,the following main conclusions:(1)the structure of export trade in xinjiang,import trade structure and industrial structure are in a state of "high coupling and low coordination","high coupling" means to the xinjiang foreign trade structure and industrial structure development level are low,the strong dynamic relation between the two systems,both in the low level and low level of interaction,mutual influence,and coordinated "low" is refers to the mutual relationship between the xinjiang foreign trade structure and industrial structure of close coordination degree is low,namely,the two complement each other,promote each other benign interactive relationship is not close;(2)the influence of export trade structure on industrial structure upgrading is not significant,while the import trade structure promotes the rationalization of industrial structure to some extent,but it is difficult to promote the development of industrial structure upgrading and servitization;(3)industrial structure optimization promotes the transformation of export commodity structure from resource-intensive products to labor-intensive and capital-technology-intensive products,that is,industrial structure optimization promotes the upgrading of export trade structure,but the promotion effect is weak.The improvement of the industrialization level of the secondary industry promotes the continuous optimization of the industrial structure,reduces the import of labor-intensive products and increases the import of resource-intensive products,thus making the import trade structure more reasonable.(4)by encouraging the export of products with local characteristics and advantages,expanding the export of mechanical and electrical products and high-tech products,vigorously undertaking and developing processing trade and giving full play to the technological spillover effect of imported goods,we will further optimize the structure of foreign trade so as to promote the upgrading of the industrial structure;By accelerating the construction of import and export industrial clusters,improving and extending the industrial chain,vigorously developing producer services and strengthening the ability of industries to "go global",accelerating the adjustment of industrial structure to promote the upgrading of foreign trade structure,and finally realizing the interactive upgrading of xinjiang's foreign trade structure and industrial structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:foreign trade structure, industrial structure, interactive upgrading
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