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PPP Project Research On Asset Securitization Of H Company

Posted on:2021-04-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to broaden the financing channels of PPP projects and guide the sound development of asset securitization of PPP projects,the state council and relevant departments have issued a series of policy documents to encourage asset securitization of PPP projects.As one of the financial means of project financing,asset securitization is characterized by its basic assets and stable investment income and long return period of PPP projects.It is of great practical significance to promote the asset securitization of PPP projects based on the characteristics of long duration,large capital demand and absence of legal policies of exit mechanism.On the one hand,through listing,trading and circulation,the existing PPP project assets can be revitalized to enhance the liquidity of funds.With the help of its risk isolation function,it separates the basic assets that can generate cash flow from the financial risks of the initiators by transferring assets through real sales and establishing bankruptcy isolation SPV,so as to ensure the financial independence and stability of the project and consolidate the foundation for the stable operation of the project.,on the other hand,is conducive to the establishment of a social capital in the realization of reasonable profit after benign exit mechanism,the innovation of the PPP project financing model will be able to improve the enthusiasm of social capital,attract more social capital involved in the public service,infrastructure services,in order to solve enterprise financing difficult problem,ease the financial department of the government debt burden,promote the healthy and steady development of urbanization construction in our country.This paper analyzes the product characteristics of huaxia happiness new urbanization PPP project from the aspects of balance payment and cash flow,and draws inspiration from the successful issuance of special asset support plan of PPP project.Combined with the current situation and development trend of asset securitization of PPP projects in China,this paper puts forward Suggestions on improving laws and regulations,strengthening supervision,unifying transaction rules and cultivating investors,aiming at the problems such as imperfect policies and regulations,imperfect trading and issuing mechanism,and lack of stable medium and long-term institutional investors.The research shows that the asset securitization of PPP project is feasible and the asset securitization of PPP project is the development trend of infrastructure construction in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:PPP, Asset securities, Risk prevention
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