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Research On Credit Risk Management Of BC Bank

Posted on:2021-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330605461175Subject:Risk Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,China's market economy has entered a stage of high-quality development from high-speed growth.In the process of rapid expansion,development and transformation of various enterprises and economic organizations,credit support from financial institutions is indispensable.However,the contradiction between the internal development needs of enterprises and the external risk control needs has gradually emerged.Under the background of economic cycle adjustment and structural adjustment,the contradiction has been further intensified,and the balance and unity of financial institutions' income and risks has become a proposition that various researchers can't ignore.Among them,large commercial banks play an important role in various periods,especially in the current supply-side structural reform,and play a key role in areas such as de-capacity,de-leverage,debt control,real estate control,supporting small and micro enterprises,inclusive finance,etc.,which is a key link for the steady growth and high-quality development of China's economy.It should be noted that China's commercial banks have maintained a relatively fast development speed in recent years,and all kinds of credit businesses occupy an absolute position in terms of business proportion,profit contribution and customer base expansion.With the rapid development of credit business of commercial banks,they need to face complicated and changeable economic situation,increasingly fierce competition environment,ubiquitous supervision pressure and various credit risks which are extremely harmful.As a result,commercial banks are facing more arduous challenges in risk identification,risk assessment,risk management and other aspects in the process of granting credit to enterprises,and their own institutional framework,group model and credit risk management have inherent needs for further deepening reform.Credit risk management should actively adapt to the current market needs,and enhance its competitive advantage by improving service quality and efficiency,so as to better develop the market.At the same time,it is necessary to continuously enhance the ability of risk discrimination,effectively prevent potential risks and reduce the expected loss of risks,and "stabilize the operation" by controlling "risks",thus laying a solid foundation and guarantee for the long-term development of credit business.At present,credit risk management is an important prerequisite for the development of major commercial banks in China.BC Bank strictly implements the relevant regulatory requirements,and in the face of the current new situation,it has begun to strengthen credit management and continuously improve the overall credit risk management level.However,in the process of exploration,there are many bottlenecks and difficulties,and there is also a situation that the unified credit management system is unacceptable when it is implemented in small prefecture-level branches.Based on this,taking BCQ as an example,this paper studies the credit risk management system of BC Bank and its application in small prefecture-level branches and gives some suggestions,hoping to stimulate the vitality of its credit management by actively trying and exploring,and continue to do a good job in credit risk management and structural adjustment in the process of accelerating the development of asset business,so as to enhance its own hard strength.On the one hand,on the basis of expounding credit risk and related control theory,this paper analyzes the present situation and problems of unified credit management system of BC Bank,and puts forward countermeasures.Among them,the current situation analysis mainly includes the credit risk control organization structure and credit risk control process;The problem analysis mainly includes the rigid organizational structure,the credit operation process needs to be improved,and the evaluation process lacks scientific guidance.Starting from BC Bank's credit risk management system which emphasizes integrity and unity,this paper finds out the problems,analyzes the causes and finally gives countermeasures.On the other hand,starting from the actual application of the unified credit management system of BC branch in small prefecture-level branches,this paper points out the problems existing after copying the credit risk management system of the head office under the objective environment of insufficient human resources,insufficient business experience and small scale of small prefecture-level branches.Taking BCQ as an example,this paper analyzes the disadvantages of directly using the unified credit system of the head office as a small prefecture-level branch with insufficient human resources and staff quality to be improved,points out the problems existing in credit risk identification,credit evaluation and loan "three investigations",and gives suggestions from the aspects of establishing evaluation model,strengthening post-loan management and stimulating the subjective initiative of risk departments,so as to help them better control risks and cope with local market changes under the current institutional framework of the head office.Generally speaking,under the environment of accelerating the process of market economy and opening to the outside world,opportunities and challenges coexist for commercial banks.It should be noted that commercial banks blindly pursue the immediate development speed and higher rate of return,while ignoring the improvement of credit risk management ability,which is accompanied by huge potential risks in the future.Therefore,the author thinks that the special research on credit risk management is particularly important for commercial banks.Commercial banks need to take the initiative to think about the defects and omissions in the whole process management of credit risk according to the current management measures of China's banking and regulatory authorities,combined with the judgment of the macroeconomic situation and regional economic characteristics,and actively think about how to identify risks,reduce risks and reduce losses,so that the current system is more operable,reproducible and sustainable.Therefore,under the background of increasingly fierce competition among domestic financial institutions and the continuous influx of foreign banks,how to improve the credit risk management level of BC Bank and BCQ Branch,stimulate the internal management vitality,and make the credit risk management system more "adapted to local conditions" to help asset business development has become an important issue for BC Bank and BCQ Branch.
Keywords/Search Tags:BC bank, Credit risk management, Risk identification, Risk control
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