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Research On General Secretary Xi Jin-ping's Thought Of Network Power

Posted on:2020-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E X LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330602458674Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In today's world,the Internet has been fully integrated into all aspects of social life.The information revolution has brought about a qualitative leap in productivity,which has led to great changes in our way of life,and has greatly affected China's economy,culture and many other factors.aspect.Xi Jinping emphasized:"The era is an important opportunity facing China.We should seize this opportunity." The application of network technology is a doubleedged sword for China's development.How to use it properly?Internet technology is a major issue facing China.Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,the new central leadership with General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core is based on China,s basic national conditions and stands at the forefront of The trend of the times.It has carried out comprehensive and concrete practice on various aspects of Internet construction in China.New ideas and new ideas in Internet construction.General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Network Powerful Country,series is very rich in connotation.General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Network Power" series discusses the development of network culture as its own soul,and regards technological innovation as its own driving force for development,and regards network construction as its own technical guarantee.In order to build the cyberspace destiny community as the value,with the basic characteristics of sharing and opening up,General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Network Power" series comprehensively summed up the practice of China's Internet development,which not only promoted the development of the Internet era,but also led the Internet era.The direction of progress has become an important part of General Secretary Xi Jinping's socialist ideology in the new era.After the development of international and domestic networks and the examination of govermance,it has a very strong practical guiding significance.Correctly understanding and grasping the connotation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Network Power" series is of great significance for accelerating the historical process of promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jin-ping, Network Power, Technical innovation, Value
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