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A Research On The Competitive Strategy Of China UMS

Posted on:2020-06-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330578966885Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Under the influence of factors such as the rapid development of mobile Internet,the traditional offline acquiring market has undergone fundamental changes.As the industry's leading acquirer,China UMS needs to recognize the trend of industry development and develop a competitive strategy that is compatible with its own advantages.This paper attempts to find the competitive strategy and market positioning that is most suitable for the future development of UMS,and explores the optimization of the competitive strategy in the UMS value chain.This paper will mainly use some classical theories of strategic analysis to conduct related research.Through the PEST model,the macro environment of the payment industry at the current stage is analyzed.And the five-force model is used to analyze the market competition structure of the acquiring industry.Then,use resource-based view of the firm to analyze the current internal conditions of UMS,and use SWOT analysis to determine future competitive strategies and market positioning.The strategic layout and value curve are used to further establish the focus of market segment competition,and the value chain theory is used to optimize the intermal and external coordination of the implementation of the differentiation strategy,and some suggestions for the implementation of the strategy are given.Through the analysis of competition strategy of UMS,this paper draws the following conclusions;First,at this stage,market development and merchant services that are indifferent to merchants should be abandoned,differentiated competitive strategies should be determined,large-scale and cliain lerchants and medium-sized brand merchants should be targeted,and continuously build the core competitiveness of integrated payment services.Second,keep up with technological development and industrial trends,strengthen the transmission of market demand to product development.And product design should be coordinated at the strategic level.Third,speed up the upgrading of the knowledge and skills of front-line employees,and survive the fittest so that high-quality,diversified and customized products and services can be delivered to target customers quickly and efficiently.Fourth,while implementing differentiated competitive strategies,we must also utilize optimized internal processes.Use information technology to reduce the labor costs of merchant services,while strengthening cooperation with channels to provide differentiated services at the lowest possible cost.This article is divided into six chapters.The first chapter introduces the research background and purpose of this paper,as well as the lain content and methods of the research.The second chapter introduces the main strategic theories used in this paper.The third chapter analyzes the macro environment and industry structure in depth,and subdivides the market to find three typical market segments and five major strategic groups.The fourth chapter sorts out the resources,capabilities and core competitiveness of UMS,and identifies the differentiated strategy and focused market segments which UMS choices.The fifth chapter analyzes the value curves of the three market segments and discusses how UMS can differentiate its strategy at the value chain level.The sixth chapter gives the research conclusions of this paper,looks forward to the fbture development of UMS,and summing up the shortcomings of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:UMS, Competitive Strategy, Value Chain
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