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Research On The Influence Of Hengyang Foxconn Organization Culture On Employees' Entrepreneurship Orientation

Posted on:2019-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2439330578466486Subject:The MBA
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Organizational culture and human resources are the key elements of today's core competitiveness.The interaction between the two deeply influences entrepreneurial activities,explores the impact of corporate organizational culture on employees' entrepreneurial orientation,and helps to promote industrial restructuring.Encourage entrepreneurs and the entrepreneurial market to achieve good market positive effects.Based on this,this paper attempts to explore the influence of Hengyang Foxconn organization culture on employees' entrepreneurial orientation.This paper mainly uses the literature review,questionnaire survey,measurement model and interviews to explain the factors and types of organizational culture of Hengyang Foxconn.It focuses on two issues: Firstly,what type of organizational culture of Hengyang Foxconn currently is? Secondly,what is the impact of this organizational culture on the entrepreneurial spirit of employees? In response to these two topics,this paper collects and summarizes the relevant theory,chooses measurement dimensions and measurement models,analyzes the basic data of questionnaires,uses SPSS software for analysis and processing,combines with the interview,here comes the following conclusions:(1)The organizational culture type of Hengyang Foxconn enterprises.By comparing the sample data,the results show that there is no significant difference between the four cultural types perceived by Hengyang Foxconn employees,and there is a highly positive correlation between them,indicating that the cultural characteristics of Hengyang Foxconn organization are vague and there is no specific attribution category.(2)The influence of organizational culture of Hengyang Foxconn on employees' entrepreneurship orientation.Through analysis and research,this paper concludes that there is a significant positive correlation between the four organizational culture types and the adventurous and adventurous nature of entrepreneurial orientation,but it has no significant relationship with the employee's self-employment tendency.This seemingly contradictory result indicates that whether the current organizational culture of Hengyang Foxconn can breed the entrepreneurial spirit or not can't be confirmed.Finally,this paper discusses the research conclusions,puts forward relevant strategic recommendations,and analyzes the limitations and future prospects of this paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hengyang Foxconn, organizational culture, employee's entrepreneurial orientation
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