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Research On Performance Evaluation Of Inclusive Finance

Posted on:2019-05-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ChenFull Text:PDF
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Inclusive Finance is a new concept based on the development of microfinance,which aims to serve small and micro businesses,farmers,urban low-income groups and other vulnerable groups in an all-round way at affordable cost.The concept was first used in 2005 when the United Nations publicized the International Year of microcredit.Subsequently,it is highly regarded by many scholars at home and abroad.The development of Inclusive Finance can greatly mitigate the stress of financing,stimulate the vitality of the market,improve the life of people and promote poverty alleviation.In recent years,the banking industry in Fujian has vigorously expanded the coverage of financial services,deepened the rural financial service system and improved the financial services of small and micro enterprises.Meanwhile,the use of financial science and technology has been continuously promoted for poverty alleviation.As a main force of Inclusive Finance,banking financial institutions play an important and irreplaceable role.This paper firstly clarifies related knowledge of Inclusive Finance and reviews its development course at home and abroad.Secondly,it analyzes the present situation of the general financial development of the banking industry in Fujian Province and Ningde City,discussing its achievements and shortcomings.Lastly,the paper calculates the inclusive financial development index of Ningde banking through dimensionless method and Euclidean distance method.The research shows that Ningde's banking industry has made some progress in Inclusive Finance,and the related index has greatly improved.To promote the financial work of the banking industry in a better way,it is suggested to clarify the basic principles and strategic positioning of inclusive financial development,create a good financial ecological environment,and promote the quality of the financial services for agriculture,rural areas and rural residents,according to the result of performance evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inclusive finance, banking industry, performance evaluation, index
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