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An Analysis Of The Development Of The Host Of Mobile Internet Audio Platforms In The "Internet + Audio" Era

Posted on:2019-05-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2438330548981559Subject:Theater, film and television
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development of the Internet ended the newspaper,television,radio and other traditional media monopoly era,the development of the Internet gave birth to the "full media" era.Internet intervention is not the same as the previous technological revolution to the media to die,but by the Internet's east wind,so that in the new media and dissemination of the way,burst out of new vitality.In the case of broadcasting,for example,the mobile Internet audio platform emerged in the Internet age,breaking the limitations of the traditional broadcast linear communication,through the organic integration with the new media,integrated PC-side,mobile,car and other transmission paths,Attributes are excavated by multiple scenes.In this paper,the "Internet + audio" model as a research object to "dragonfly FM" as an example,through the study of Internet audio platform development model and in the new Internet ecological pattern,the network audio host what characteristics? In the market competition is so intense environment,the network audio host is how to get a place? Network audio host in the content creation,personal branding,market marketing and other aspects of experience and practice which can learn from? Through the study of these problems,we can sort out the new Internet environment and market-oriented communication environment,"host" in their own development,change the process of practical reference and theoretical guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internet, audio, host, marketing
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