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Design Of Game-based Learning Activities For Elementary School Mathematics

Posted on:2021-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J C WuFull Text:PDF
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The new curriculum standard points out that it is necessary for teachers to "change the current situation of over emphasis on reception learning rote learning and mechanical practice" in the implementation of the curriculum.It advocates that teachers should have students feel happy in learning by developing their positive learning attitude,stimulating their active participating inquiry learning and a positive learning attitude,advocate students' active participation,be willing to explore and be happy in learning.Game chemistry learning combines games with education,so that learners can experience a relaxed and happy learning way.To make students good at learning,happy to learn effectively,learning activities in mathematics classrooms of primary schools should be vivid,rich and interesting.students are willing to accept,in order to make them good at learning,happy to learn,and learn effectively.Obviously,the traditional teaching methods have been unable to comply with the trend of the new curriculum reform,and the effectiveness of classroom teaching is relatively limited.Game based learning is to integrate game theory and mechanism into specific subject teaching,Teachers need to analyzecontents before designing … and checkpoints.With game-based learning strategies,teacher are able to make the traditional contents,design ingenious and hierarchical problem situations and checkpoints,and combine with game teaching strategies to make the traditional boring learning process vivid and interesting,and let students "indulge in learning" as "indulge in Games" and travel In the process of drama,the subject knowledge is internalized to achieve the learning goal.Based on the above considerations,this study takes the game based learning activity design as the research object,introduces the concept of game into the design of mathematics teaching for the lower grades of primary school.By analyzing the primary school mathematics curriculum objectives,curriculum content and discipline characteristics,studying the design requirements of mathematics learning activities,and combining with the teaching objects,this study explores the game based learning activities that meet the cognitive characteristics of young primary school students.First of all,analyzing the literature helps us understand to understand themeaning and significance of game learning.Secondly,it clarifies the design basis and principles of the game based learning activities of primary school mathematics,that is,the balance of teaching and game,the life of teaching content,the modernization of teaching means,the integration of teaching objectives and the subjectivity of teaching objects.On the basis of analyzing the design elements of game tools,game mechanism and game motivation,the basic framework of game based learning activity design is constructed from three dimensions of learning activity process,activity program and game elements.The game based learning activity is composed of the analysis of learners and learning objectives,the design of game tasks,the design of game rules and the design of game props The general process of design forms the style of game based learning activity design.Finally,on the basis of sorting out the design cases of game based learning activities formed in the process of research,this paper extracts typical cases from the four knowledge content plates of "number and operation,graph and geometry,probability and statistics,and mathematical square",and analyzes in detail how to design specific game based learning activities combined with various elements.
Keywords/Search Tags:Game based learning activities, primary school mathematics, design, low grades
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