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Research On The Collaborative Education Of College Professional Courses And Ideological And Political Theory Courses

Posted on:2021-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2437330611964639Subject:Ideological and political education
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Ideological and political work is the lifeline of the other work in colleges,which runs through all works in colleges and leads all works in colleges.The key position and important role of ideological and political work decide that colleges must put the ideological and political work in a crucial position.As the main position of ideological and political education,the curriculum must take the initiative to take up the educating responsibilities of shaping value,training skills,and cultivating thinking,and providing the guarantee for colleges to cultivate the newcomers of the era of national revival.In July 2015,the Central Propaganda Department and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the innovation plan for ideological and political theory course in colleges,which clearly pointed out: “adhere to the combination of ideological and political theory courses and professional courses,and paying attention to the educational function of all courses,and the educational responsibility of all teachers.”The following year,Xi Jinping again emphasized at the National University Ideological and Political Work Conference: "All other courses must keep a good canal and plant responsibility fields so that each course goes in the same direction as the ideological and political education theory course." This provides a strong support for the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political courses in colleges.Various courses should be coordinated and coordinated with ideological and political theory courses to Constructing the comprehensive curriculum systems with rich types,progressive levels,and mutual support in colleges to help achieve the goal of educating.Guaranteeing the quality and quantity to complete the major tasks entrusted to college education by the times.However,in the face of the reality that some colleges,emphasizing teaching but neglecting education,emphasizing research and science and neglecting education,emphasizing intellectual education and neglecting moral education.So how to promote the same direction of various courses,especially professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in practice? Is there a basis and feasibility for collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political courses in colleges? And how to bring the leading role of ideological and political education into play,promoting the connotative development of education and cultivate qualified builders and successors for the party and country?To this end,this study will focus on the issue of“what—why can do—why should do it—what to do—how do work together”based on the synergy of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses incolleges.The fundamental purpose of educating is to explore related issues.The first chapter mainly analyzes the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges,that is,to solve the problems of “what it is" and "why can they cooperate".This part mainly defines the related concepts of collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges.It is believed that the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges means that the main bodies of education in the university fully draw on and absorb the relevant theoretical thoughts,such as synergy theory and system theory,actively using curriculum education resources and education advantages to form a curriculum education system led by ideological and political theory courses and supplemented by professional courses as necessary to achieve a dynamic process of jointly educating newcomers of the era.This is used as the starting point for research.At the same time,the synergy theory,ideological and political education system theory,and Marxist theory of human nature and comprehensive development provide the theoretical support for the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges.In terms of realistic conditions,the consistent educational goals,the complementary educational content,and unified theory,actively using the curriculum education resources and education advantages to form a curriculum education system that is guided by ideological and political theory courses and supplemented by professional courses.The dynamic process of realizing the goal of educating newcomers in the era of co-cultivation is used as the research basis for selecting topics,and synergy theory,ideological and political education system theory,and Marxist theory of human nature and comprehensive development provide theoretical support for the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities.In terms of realistic conditions,consistent educational goals,complementary educational content,unified educational management,and sound educational policies provide a feasible basis for the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges and universities.starting point.The second chapter is based on the system theory.It analyzes the system elements of the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges,and solves the problems of "why collaborate" and "what will be collaborated".From the three aspects of consolidating the political direction of thecolleges,maintaining the ideological orientation of socialism,and cultivating the newcomers of the times,expounding the educational goals of the professional courses and ideological and political theory courses have the same educational goals.In order to achieve the stated educational goals,and a continuous stream of motivation is needed to promote the coordinated education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges with educating.Therefore,this research analyzes its dynamic system from the key issues and the root of demand,and around the satisfaction of individual and social development needs,providing talent guarantees for the realization of a socialist modernized country,and enhancing the effectiveness of ideological and political work in colleges to analyze the dynamic system.In the process of coordinated operation of various elements within the system,and we must grasp the coordinated operation of educational subjects,the educational content,and educational methods.At the same time,the external environment of the system is also an element that needs to be fully valued in the collaborative education of professional and ideological and political theory courses.Through the overall certainty of the importance and the logic of the factors in synergistic education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses,it provides a certain reference for a comprehensive,accurate and in-depth certainty of synergy education,as the research undertaking of this study.The third chapter mainly explores the practical strategies to promote the collaborative education of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges,that is,to solve the problem of "how to cooperate".By establishing the goal concept of "Strengthening Morality",the method concept of "Three-Wide Education",the process concept of "Students-Oriented",and in the process of collaborative education following the basic principle of combination of unity and independence,knowledge and value,education and self-education,invisible education and explicit education,theoretical education and practical education,and effectively grasping the team building,organizational platform and evaluation mechanism,and system security to promote professional courses and ideological and political theory courses,and cooperating with the work process of educating,so as to implement the same course of professional courses and ideological and political theory courses in colleges,and realizing the wonderful vision of educating.This part is the research endpoint of this topic and the core content of this topic.
Keywords/Search Tags:colleges, professional courses, ideological and political theory courses, collaborative education
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