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Wang Jun Reading Teaching Research

Posted on:2020-10-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a new generation of special-grade teachers,wang jun has influenced many front-line Chinese teachers with his unique teaching concept of reading,which has brought vitality to the dull Chinese class and stirred up the Chinese lake that has been calm for a long time.In the process of teaching practice,wang jun constantly updated the teaching concept and explored ways to improve the teaching of reading.Therefore,this paper will start with wang jun's reading teaching example,study the innovation of his reading teaching,and dig out the most valuable content of his reading teaching.This thesis mainly studies the evolution of wang jun's reading teaching philosophy,the characteristics of reading teaching and the teaching examples of reading.The author divides wang jun's reading teaching idea into three periods,in which the six stages of innovation put forward in the development period is the cornerstone of wang jun's reading teaching idea,the guiding principle of wang jun's reading teaching design,and the important support for the author to study wang jun's reading teaching.On the basis of the teaching concept,the author extracts the three characteristics of wang jun's reading teaching,which are the deep integration of the text,the spiritual interpretation of the text and the prominent characteristics of the text.First of all,the author observed wang jun's text integration from the micro,medium and macro perspectives,and explored wang jun's unique treatment of the content of the textbook.Secondly,wang jun's interpretation of the text is ingenious.In this paper,the author mainly selects five text interpretation methods commonly used by wang jun for polishing,in order to feel wang jun's command of language in reviewing class examples.Finally,wang jun extracted seven text characteristics in the reading teaching.Based on this,the author studied the classic class examples from the text characteristics,so as to explore the uniqueness and teachability of each text.Finally,this paper takes the reading class as the research center,compares wang jun's "walking" and "suzhou garden" teaching class with other famous teachers' class,and finds wang jun's difference in teaching content selection and teaching method use from other famous teachers in the comparison,so as to explore the reference for wang jun's reading teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:wang jun, Reading teaching, integration, interpretation, characteristics
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