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A Probe Into The Application Of Anchored Teaching In The Teaching Of "Political Life"

Posted on:2020-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhangFull Text:PDF
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After the publication of the new "Standards for Ideological and Political Courses in Ordinary High Schools" in 2017,the ideological and political curriculum has been re-planned in terms of educational content,and clearly put forward the core qualities that must be cultivated in the ideological and political courses in high schools,namely,the cultivation of students political identity,scientific spirit,awareness of the rule of law and public participation.In order to implement the basic idea of the new curriculum standard,focusing on students real life and long-term development,teaching methods should also be diversified.Anchored teaching is a kind of teaching based on real problems or creating real situations,which requires students to truly feel and solve problems,rather than relying on teachers indirect introduction and explanation of experience,conforming to the concept of cultivating students' core literacy in the new curriculum standards.The content of Political Life in senior high school is the most contemporary of the four textbooks,which is closely related to students daily life.If combined with anchored teaching,the presentation of the content of Political Life can be improved,which is conducive to cultivating students interest in the ideological and political course and forming the core quality of Ideological and political education.This paper is divided into four parts.The first part elaborates the connotation of anchored teaching and the characteristics of anchored teaching,the steps of applying this teaching method and the theoretical basis for its existence and development.Anchored teaching is carried out through the steps of creating situations,determining anchors,self-exploration,collaborative learning and effect evaluation.It pays attention to authenticity in the design of teaching situations,chaos in the teaching process,cooperation in teaching activities,diversity in teaching evaluation,and students subjectivity throughout the teaching process.The second part studies the necessity and significance of anchored teaching in the teaching of Political Life in senior high school.Anchored teaching is conducive toimproving students ability to analyze political life and cultivating students' political identity,which is consistent with the requirements of the new curriculum standards;Anchored teaching pays attention to the analysis and solution of the real situation,helps to cultivate students public participation literacy and strengthen social responsibility;Anchored teaching changes the role of teachers,pays attention to the subjectivity of teaching objects,and is conducive to shape.A harmonious,equal and democratic teacher-student relationship.Anchored teaching requires more teachers,which is conducive to teachers continuous improvement of classroom control,as well as to teachers' active development of current political resources and living resources,and the realization of life-oriented curriculum content.The third part is the application strategy of anchored teaching in "Political Life" of senior high school.In view of some problems existing in anchored teaching,this paper puts forward some application strategies.In the aspect of creating situation,we should reasonably choose the "anchor" resources related to textbooks;in the aspect of anchoring,we should grasp the opportunity of anchoring and stimulate students interest;in the process of teaching,we should emphasize the application of teaching art;in the aspect of integration of teaching resources,we should cooperate with government departments to develop social practice activities;in the aspect of teaching evaluation,we should pay attention to the process and results of solving situational problems.The fourth part is the practical exploration of anchored teaching in the teaching of Political Life in senior high school.Choose "Democratic Decision-Making:Making the Best Choice" as the second box of Lesson 2,Unit 1 of "Political Life" as an example for practical exploration.Practical exploration is divided into two parts:The first part is the teaching design of this course.Combining with the concept and requirements of the new curriculum standard,this paper makes a thorough analysis of the content of the textbook and the actual situation of the students,and determines the teaching objectives and difficulties which are conducive to cultivating the core quality of the ideological and political discipline.The second part is the classroom application of anchored teaching.According to the idea of teaching design,the actualeffect of teaching is described objectively.By comparing with the presupposed teaching effect,it is verified that anchored teaching can better stimulate students classroom participation and interest in learning,make the relationship between teachers and students more harmonious,and help to cultivate students' core literacy.
Keywords/Search Tags:anchored teaching, political life, ideological and Political Course
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