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A Case Study Of The "interrupter" And "sustainer" In Teacher Transformation In The Teaching Of Knowledge Construction

Posted on:2019-06-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q L PiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2437330548481199Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a concept of subverting traditional instruction,Knowledge Building instruction brings new challenges and requirements to teachers.Regardless of whether it is a teacher who has worked for many years or a new teacher,their starting point is the same in the knowledge-building instruction experiment;even teachers who have many years of traditional instruction experience will not adapt to the knowledge-based instruction more quickly than new teachers.Fast;different teachers often show individual differences in Knowledge Building instruction.This dissertation focuses on the development and changes of teacher cases in Knowledge Building instruction to interpret their growth stories,revealing problems and challenges in their transformation process,analyzing their experience of success and failure,and exploring the law of change of Chinese teachers about using innovative instruction theory and technology in the information age.This study adopts a qualitative research method and selects two teachers who have not been exposed to the Knowledge Building theory as experimental subjects in the experimental primary school digital experiment teachers.The research process is first to follow and observe their instruction process for one semester,and the data collected continuously are mainly There are classroom videos,interviews,Knowledge Forum(KF)data,and other physical data as raw data;then the two teachers' transitions in teacher-student dialogue,classroom atmosphere,and support provision are analyzed.Finally,through the detailed analysis and analysis of the two case data,the following conclusions are drawn.The transition process and results of "interrupted" teachers and "persistent"teachers are very different.The "interrupted person" did not really delve into the inner part of knowledge-based teaching to study how to improve students' abilities in various aspects through innovative teaching.The understanding of knowledge construction also only stays on "a new inquiry learning model.”The "persistent"experienced a series of contradictions and setbacks,constantly abandoned traditional teaching behavior,and turned his attention to the students' thinking changes.Teachers in the process of transformation experienced behavioral rational attempts and emotional challenges,reflecting different stages of characteristics.The first is to try the impact period.The teachers' original education practice model is impacted by the innovative teaching concept.After a period of time in the experimental teaching,the teacher will feel anxious and tired and make two choices:one is to refuse to continue,and the experiment is stopped after a simple attempt;the second is positive.Actions to overcome the constant difficulties,choose to insist.Second,professional regeneration.After certain "trial and error" teaching,teachers gradually understood the teaching philosophy advocated by knowledge construction and constantly improved the teaching practice.Teachers rethink their identity,roles and responsibilities,and actively explore and practice new teaching models.The process and results of this study show that Chinese teachers can gradually accept the teaching of knowledge construction and gradually turn to teaching in the information age.The teacher's transformation does not happen overnight.From the time of understanding and comprehension to the actual practice,it takes time.In this process,difficulties,emotions and emotions may be tangled,contradictory,and even painful.The smooth transition of teachers requires not only my strong will for development,belief in teaching reforms,constant reflection and practice,but also the supportive atmosphere of the school,the case demonstration of other teachers,the assistance of experts,etc.Different teachers may be affected by different factors.Therefore,on the one hand,teachers can quickly transform themselves into an excellent knowledge-building teacher through self-study,collaborative learning,collaboration with experts,and conduct action research;on the other hand,schools should provide teachers with a broader space of practice and organizational development.Learn communities and take effective incentives to help them grow faster.
Keywords/Search Tags:knowledge building instruction, teacher transformation, teacher development, case study
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