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Research On The Perception Of The "Belt And Road" Initiative In The Academic Circles Of China And Europe

Posted on:2021-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330647957683Subject:Political science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The bottleneck which hinders EU-China cooperation under the Belt Road Initiative(BRI)framework lies in cognitive differences between two sides.European and Chinese academic circles have divergences in three basic questions: what the BRI is,what is the motivation of China,and how BRI would influence the world.According to European scholars,BRI is the geopolitical strategy of China,although it is a grand and vague plan.Through the development of BRI,China hopes to internationalize domestic interests and become a model of global governance.But with the success of BRI,EU-China competition would be intensified and China could develop an alternative institution.In the eyes of Chinese scholars,BRI is a global governance framework of China and a try to innovate international cooperation model.The creation of BRI is motivated by the ambition of realizing “Chinese dream” and community of common destiny for all mankind.Besides,BRI would promote EU-China cooperation and improve the quality of global governance.The reason behind cognitive differences is the different images of China held by European and Chinese scholars.On the European side,scholars believe that China is a human right violator,a potential global power,a partner and a competitor of EU at the same time.On the Chinese side,scholars believe that China is an emerging power with Chinese characteristics and a partner of EU in multiple areas.To change Chinese images held by European scholars,we should on the one hand strengthen communication between Chinese and European academic circles,and on the other hand change the interact model between two sides.Through respecting EU's geostrategic interests,cooperating with EU on multiple layers and co-shaping global norms,we can reduce EU's distrust,shape partnership identity and contruct common destiny between EU and China.
Keywords/Search Tags:BRI, cognitive differences, EU-China relationship, images
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