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Research On The Later Management Of Affordable Housing In Jinan

Posted on:2020-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330575453855Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Housing is the basic survival material to ensure people's "basic necessities of life".The housing are related to the livelihoods of tens of thousands people and the overall situation of national development and stability.In recent years,with the rise of housing industrialization,the original welfare housing policy has been abolished and the housing reform policy has gradually faded out,marking that China's housing has fully entered the market model.Under the operation of the market mechanism,the real estate market continues to heat up.Although the state has promulgated the regulation and control policy of the real estate market,Every region has promulgated the policy of restricting the purchase of house,but the housing price is still rising steadily.Families trapped in economic conditions and unable to buy houses are still in the majority,"living" has become a large luxury of these low-income groups,restricting the improvement of their living standards.Housing problem has also become a hidden danger restricting the stability of economic and social development.To solve the problem of urban basic living difficult people,improve the urban and rural public housing conditions,Jinan actively responded to the requirements of the country,large-scale construction of security housing.As of November 2018,Jinan has invested by the government to build 44197 public rental housing(including low-rent housing)through government-led construction,acquisition of commercial housing and transformation of resettlement housing,44197 sets were distributed in 36 area,allocated in 40585 sets,occupancy rate of more than 90%,urban low-income families living conditions were improved significantly.As the saying goes "three points building,seven in charge",along with the delivery of security housing,Jinan Municipal Government has made some achievements in exploring the later management of security housing.However,problems such as poor management system,inefficient late operation,imperfect dynamic supervision and withdrawal mechanism,and low integration of households still exist,which make the latter management face many challenges.How to actively respond to the challenges,so that the low-and middle-income groups not only live,but also to live well,is an urgent problem to be solved.The article is divided into six parts:The first part is the introduction.Discuss the background of the study and its significance in enriching the theoretical system,building a well-off society in an all-round way,promoting the construction of a harmonious society,promoting the transformation of government functions,and realizing the optimal allocation of government resources.This paper analyses and combs the current research situation of this subject in academic circles,and expounds the research methods and innovations of this paper.The second part is related concepts and theoretical basis.Firstly,three important concepts of housing,security housing and post-management of security housing are explained,and the main types of affordable housing studied in this paper are defined.Secondly,it introduces the four theoretical foundations of "dream of living in peace",theory of fair distribution,theory of new public management and theory of gradient consumption of housing,which lay a theoretical foundation for the later management of security housing in Jinan.The third part is the development status of the late management of security housing in Jinan.It introduces the current development and construction distribution of security housing in Jinan in detail,and summarizes the current situation of post-management.It elaborates the organizational structure of Jinan's post-management from the top-level design,and also explains the effective measures and achievements taken by Jinan in strengthening system construction,improving supporting facilities,open and transparent allocation,differentiated rent pricing,ensuring security and innovating management services.The fourth part is the existing problems and analysis.On the basis of the present situation of post-management of security housing in Jinan,it expounds the problems existing in different management links,such as qualification examination,operation management,household inspection,exit management and environmental facilities maintenance.The reasons for the problems are analyzed.It is pointed out that insufficient linkage between governments,lack of professionalism of operating companies,lack of dynamic management means and tenants' mentality of "passing passengers" are the main reasons for the above problems.The fifth part refers to the experience of relevant regions.It analyses the operation mechanism and effective measures adopted in the late management of security housing in Hong Kong,Beijing and Chongqing.In order to improve and perfect the late management of security housing in Jinan,four enlightenments are put forward: establishing a clear management system,guaranteeing fairness by various means,intensifying community construction,and exploring rentable and saleable modes.The sixth part is the countermeasures and suggestions.It actively explores the new path of the late management of security housing in Jinan from five aspects: improving the government operation system,improving the late operation management system,improving the dynamic management system,improving the exit management system,and establishing a new security model of simultaneous rent and sale.Through the analysis and discussion of six parts of the full text,in order to fully understand the current problems in the late management of security housing in Jinan.Combining with the advanced experience at home and abroad,this paper studies and perfects the practical improvement measures.We will gradually establish a sound management system for the late management stage,so as to better realize the people's "dream of living in peace" and realize the "Chinese dream" together.
Keywords/Search Tags:security housing, late management, Jinan
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