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On The Improvement Of The Guardianship System For The Elderly In Our Country

Posted on:2020-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2436330572487175Subject:Civil and Commercial Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The guardianship of the elderly turned out to be a natural component of adult custody.However,with the advent of an aging society,the problem of the elderly has become an important factor restricting social development.The custody of the elderly has also been transformed,and the custody of the elderly has increasingly become an independent type that is different from adult custody.The purpose of this paper is to initially explore the establishment of an independent guardianship system for the elderly in China and how to build such a system.The development of an aging society has made it necessary for the elderly to guard against the abandonment of traditional behavioral standards and adopt self-care standards.It also makes the care of the elderly,which is integrated with guardianship and pension,inevitable.How to respond to this international development trend,and based on To solve the special problem of the high demand for the supervision of the elderly in China,and to construct a reasonable elderly guardianship system,this paper believes that: First,the theoretical basis of the elderly guardianship is mainly the theory of sustainable agency rights,the theory of elderly care,and the theory of community ecological care.Mainly,the theory of sustainable agency rights develops the maximum respect for the residual meaning of the elderly from the construction of the intended guardianship,and at least limits the residual behavior of the elderly;the care theory of the elderly is the elderly guardianship and pension provided in the background of self-care ability standards.The theory of integration;community care theory is an upgraded version of the old guardianship theory,and is the theory of the integration of the elderly and the care of the elderly under the conditions of clustering.Under the concept of elderly care and community ecological care,the integration of elderly guardianship and old-age care is a basic practice trend.Second,the supervision of the elderly should follow four principles,namely the principle of care,the principle of personality,the principle of social life and the principle of adequate protection of the rights of the elderly.Third,construct a three-in-one monitoring structure model of family,society,and state,and a three-in-one monitoring type model of statutory,intended,and policy.Moreover,due to China's national conditions,it must be based on family custody,with state custody as the leading factor and social custody as a supplement.The carriers of state custody are mainly civil affairs departments,neighborhood committees,and village committees.Among them,the ecological care of natural communities in neighborhood committees and village committees is mainly based on the ecological care of artificial communities in civil affairs departments.The carriers of social care are mainly business entities,charitable organizations and other social welfare organizations.At this stage in China,we must vigorously develop industrialized commercial care.
Keywords/Search Tags:Independent monitoring of the elderly, principles of custody of the elderly, integration of custody and pension, community ecological care, standards of self-care ability
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