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A Comparative Study Of International Investment Dispute Settlement Mechanisms

Posted on:2019-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y TangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the process of economic globalization continues to accelerate,the economic exchanges between countries are becoming more frequent.International investment led by multinational corporations has also become very common.While enjoying the benefits brought about by the economic globalization,the international investment disputes It is also growing.In order to solve such disputes fairly and reasonably,the international community has tried to solve such problems by establishing a set of effective arbitration mechanisms.However,due to the different levels of economic development and the specific conditions of the domestic society,the international community has still not established A universal investment dispute settlement mechanism worldwide.Therefore,on the premise of introducing the existing dispute settlement mechanism,the author starts with a fair and objective judgment on different settlement mechanisms and tries hard to find a dispute resolution mechanism which is in line with the interests of all parties.In the process of research,the author mainly adopts the method of inductive reasoning,sticking to the combination of empirical analysis and comparative analysis,so that the dispute settlement mechanism can be systematically studied and analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Investment disputes, International investment, Dispute settlement mechanism
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