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The Character Interview Film "The Lonely Runner" Works Explanatory Report

Posted on:2020-03-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330620977088Subject:Broadcasting and television major
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the rapid development of China's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards have led to an increase in people's demands for quality of life.Faced with the status quo,the relevant state departments have continuously increased the promotion of comprehensive fitness strategies,and the national fitness has risen to the national strategy,which has made the national fitness awareness continue to increase;and with the continuous development of the social level,the urban rhythm is accelerating,people's competition The pressure is also increasing.People's mental attitude towards work has become more and more tense with increasing pressure.In this high-pressure work environment,people want to maintain their health,release stress and relieve their mood.The marathon sport has relatively low requirements for equipment and venues.There is a pair of shoes and a road can meet the needs of people.The marathon has developed rapidly in China.Although the marathon has a long history in our country,its rise has also been in recent years.The 1981 Beijing Marathon was the first city marathon held by the Chinese Athletics Association after being approved by the International Athletics Federation.However,the contestants at that time were mainly professional marathon runners at home and abroad,but there were very few players in the public.In October2014,China promulgated the “Several Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Sports Industry to Promote Sports Consumption”,which explicitly required the release of the approval authority for marathon events,which made the marathon race develop rapidly with lightning speed.So the rise of the marathon is of great significance to people.It has a role in relieving stress and relaxing.This is a question worth exploring.The character documentary "Runner of " Lonely "" elaborates the film from the perspective of the background of the topic,the description of the work,the creative concept,the artistic analysis of the work,and the lack of consideration.Through the theory and professional ability of the Institute of Radio and Television Arts,I willincorporate my own thinking and understanding of the marathon into the film.I hope that the audience can understand how much the marathon can affect people's psychology,thus enriching their understanding of the marathon sport.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marathon sport, Character documentary, Psychology of sports, Autism, Depressed, Anxious
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