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Design Around "shooting"

Posted on:2021-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of mobile network,smart phones have become an important carrier of image production and dissemination,as well as a design and distribution platform.From image photographing,processing to transmission,guiding around the theme of “photographing” has become one of the important concerns in mobile phone and App design.Taking the design concept of “photographing” of mobile phone as the research object,this paper analyzed the design concept of mobile phone pictures from the perspective of Society of the Spectacle,and explained the cultural value behind it.It was mainly divided into the following four parts: Firstly,it interpreted the concept of “photographing” from the perspectives of traditional photography,digital technology and smart phones,and pointed out that mobile phone media made photographing get rid of the limitation of time and space and became a daily social behavior.Then,it summarized the design and promotion strategies of mobile phone brands and related App around the concept of “photographing”,mainly including reducing the operation difficulty,improving the cultural value,expanding diversified picture forms and other ways to promote the participation of the whole people in the creation.Subsequently,it interpreted the photographing culture and value of the landscape of mobile phone pictures,and pointed out that mobile phone pictures had become a means of daily chronicle and information exchange.Mobile phone photographing virtually promoted the visual experience of blending reality with reality and make physical space transform to “photo-style”.Finally,this thesis pointed out that the minority spectacle which formed under the mobile phone photographing design not only enriched Society of the Spectacle,but also dispelled the traditional the society of the spectacle to a certain extent by breaking through the shackles of traditional media on the spectacle.To sum up,this paper examined the new trends of Society of the Spectacle theory in image information transmission through the discussion of the above concept of “photographing” of smart phones,and reflected on the current upsurge of photographing customers in life from the cultural level.
Keywords/Search Tags:Society of Spectacle, Smart Mobile Media, Design on Photographing, Image Value
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