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The Dissemination Of Chinese Film And Television In Africa: Paths, Problems And Countermeasures

Posted on:2021-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602998704Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissemination of Chinese film and television works in the African region began during the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Egypt in the late 1950s.It has been developing for nearly 60 years and has gradually become an important window and channel for the African people to understand China's appearance.At the same time,with the introduction of the"Belt and Road" initiative in recent years and the launching of important diplomatic activities such as the China-Africa Cooperation Forum,the importance of the dissemination of Chinese film and television in the African region has also been promoted to the level of national development strategy.Therefore,a detailed review of the dissemination process of Chinese film and television works in Africa is necessary.On the one hand,because the study of Chinese film and television in Africa has been located at the "marginal" position of academia for a long time,there is still no system.Articles on the dissemination of Chinese film and television works in Africa;On the other hand,as part of the "going out" of Chinese film and television works,the interpretation of the dissemination of Chinese film and television works in Africa cannot only help us to understand more clearly the "pioneering journey" of Chinese film and television works in the African continent,also provide useful reference for the overseas "going out" of Chinese film and television works.Therefore,under the guidance of the above ideas,this article will systematically sort out and study the spread of Chinese film and television works in Africa from five aspects:the history of communication,the status quo of transmission,the path of transmission,problems,and strategies.First of all,this article reviews the history of Chinese film and television works in Africa since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Egypt from 1957 to 2010 and finds that it can be divided into two stages:film and television in the non-communication initial period and film and television in the non-communication transformation period,and it provides a historical sample for reference to the overall research findings.Secondly,this article also finds that the spread of a series of reality-themed TV dramas represented by "The Beautiful Age of Daughter-in-law" since 2011 in Africa has effectively broken the traditional communication pattern that used traditional kung fu films as the main content,thereby promoting Chinese film and television Africa's spread has entered a period of rapid development from the embryonic stage.At this stage of development,according to the behavior of its communication subjects,we can roughly summarize the path of Chinese film and television transmission in Africa into three modes:official-led cultural exchanges,government-enterprise cooperation in exhibition and communication,and digital communication by private enterprises.In addition,based on the above content,this article finds that although Chinese film and television works have achieved remarkable results in the dissemination in Africa,there are still unsatisfactory aspects in their film and television dissemination.Realistic problems such as a single mode of communication,irrational communication structure,weak pertinence of works,and inadequate marketization have become the "stumbling blocks" that restrict the deep dissemination of Chinese film and television works in Africa.The above problems need to be resolved as soon as possible.Therefore,at the end of the thesis,based on the research and review of the first three chapters,this article believes that through the innovative content production capacity,broadening the channels of communication,and increasing policy support,the above obstacles to Chinese film and television transmission in Africa can be removed more quickly and effectively.In addition,on the basis of the above,the cultural communication and competitiveness of Chinese film and television works in the African market can be further enhanced.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese film and television in Africa, Path research, problem analysis, communication strategy
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