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Mai Xin Children's Song Research

Posted on:2020-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330602451459Subject:China's modern music history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mai Xin,a musician,is one of the outstanding musicians in the history of modem and contemporary music in China,an outstanding musician during the Anti-Japanese War,and a member of the army of children's song creation.He has made outstanding contributions to song creation,music theory and mass singing movement.The lyrics of Mai Xin's children's songs are full of strong patriotic thoughts and feelings,concise and vivid,suitable for life which are good at showing the daily life of children during the Anti-Japanese War and the social reality.His patriotic theme,his exploration of the nationalization of music,and his concern for the vast number of children all show up in his unique children's song creation.Therefore,it is necessary to systematically investigate and study Mai Xin's children's song creation,summarize its creative characteristics and useful experience,which not only has a positive reference role in the current children's song creation,but also helps to enhance our understanding of Mai Xin himself and his children's songs.The theme of this paper includes three parts and chapter 1 gives a brief account of Mai Xin's life and events.Firstly,the family environment,school life,music learning road and revolutionary road of Mai Xin,s life are sorted out to understand that Mai Xin is a fighter with lofty revolutionary feelings and patriotic thoughts,a leader with strong sense of responsibility,and a child musician with childlike heart and love.From the analysis of Mai Xin's song creation,social music activities and music theory,we know that Mai Xin not only created song works,but also actively engaged in the planning,organization and promotion of the mass singing movement.He also edited and published the music publication Popular Songs,which gained great popularity and mass influence in the 1930s and 40s.In addition,he participated in the eighth episode of the Kuomintang in Shanghai.The regiment went to the front to carry out mass work led by the Party.In the second chapter,through the musicological analysis of Mai Xin's 13 children's songs,the artistic characteristics are summarized,mainly from the theme and content of the songs and the techniques of music creation.Chapter three elaborates the social value of Mai Xin,s children's songs,their position and significance in the history of the development of Chinese children's songs,and their enlightenment and beneficial experience to the creation of contemporary children's songs.Chapter three briefly discusses some understandings of Mai Xin's children's songs.Mai Xin's creation of children's songs shows the spiritual outlook of children in wartime and has strong patriotic appeal.Not only did China need such powerful children's songs at that time,but also in contemporary society,it still needs songs with patriotie spirit to inherit and increase children's sense of responsibility.The useful experience of his creation also brings enlightenment to the creation of children's songs in modem society.Mai Xin's works show tihe real life of a generation of children.The interpretation of children's songs is more embodied in the authenticity of history,the continuity of patriotic theme,the excellent quality of children's tenacity,childlike innocence and the vision of a better future for the motherland.This should occupy a high historical position in the history of the development of Chinese children's songs.For modern and contemporary social musicians,we need to uphold the promotion and deepening of their patriotic core ideas in children's groups,pay attention to children as and create more excellent works for children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mai Xin, children's songs, patriotic theme
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