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The Singing Features And Character Creation Of The Musical "Mamma Mia"

Posted on:2020-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y DaiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Mamma Mia" is an excellent musical that interprets the true love of mankind and praises human virtues.This musical has caused great repercussions since its advent and has become one of the most popular musical works.Until now,this musical is still a classic.In terms of creative purposes,musicals,like other forms of drama,are promoted by contradictions,and the interpretation of arias is very important for the creation of contradictions and conflicts.In this musical,there are many classic arias worth remembering,especially the heroine Donna's lyrical and artistic combination,demonstrating the singer's deep and superb artistic level,the promotion of the story and the character The shaping has a positive impact."The winner is the king" is Donna's classic lyrics in the entire musical,and it is also an important lyrics that focus on the inner emotional conflict of Donna,the heroine.Therefore,the analysis of the singing skills,style characteristics,and character formation of the singing segment is of great significance for interpreting the connotation of "Mamma Mia" and exploring the artistic performance and singing style of this musical.Therefore,this topic chooses the singing skills and characters of the "Winner is King" singing section as the main research content,and tries to launch the rich artistic characteristics of this musical.In addition,based on his own singing practice and performance experience,he conducted a detailed analysis of the processing of words,tone,emotions,emotions,timbre,and volume during the singing process.Therefore,it also strengthens its own artistic interpretation level and singing performance ability for the musical.
Keywords/Search Tags:mamma mia!, winner is king, singing characteristics, characterization
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