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Research On Wang Yunzhang's Opera

Posted on:2020-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L XuFull Text:PDF
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Wang Yunzhang(1885—1942)was an important cultural celebrity during the Republic of China.He had multiple identities such as newspaper reporters,educators,writers,and opera artists,and he had extraordinary achievements in literature,education,and newspapers.This article focuses on Wang Yunzhang as a dramatist,and considers it in the historical background of the Republic of China in the late Qing Dynasty.I analyzed and studied his life thoughts,opera activities and the status of opera history.This paper is divided into an introduction,a text chapter seven,a conclusion and an appendix.In the introduction part,the author firstly defines the historical significance of Wang Yunzhang and the study of opera,and then introduces the research status of Wang Yunzhang in the academic circle and expounds the writing ideas of this article.The first chapter discusses the life of Wang Yunzhang.This chapter divides his life into three phases based on the turning events or important nodes in his life.The second chapter discusses Wang Yunzhang's thoughts.Based on Wang Yunzhang's life experience,this chapter explores the evolution of thoughts at each stage and its experiences.The third chapter studies Wang Yunzhang's drama activities.This chapter mainly shows his drama activities from his interactions with the monks,the form of drama,the singing activities and the drama reviews.The fourth chapter examines Wang Yunzhang's drama.He created eleven kinds of opera works,and this chapter focuses on the source of these eleven plays.The fifth chapter studies the ideological implication of Wang Yunzhang's opera works.These plays are mainly intended to show the praise of women,the expression of ancient injuries and the burst of literary feelings.The sixth chapter studies the artistic achievements of Wang Yunzhang's opera works.This chapter links the artistic achievements of Wang Yunzhang's opera works with the new changes of the opera art in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic ofChina,and explores the changes in the style of Wang Yunzhang's opera works,the new changes in stage art and the new changes in the rhythm of the music.The seventh chapter summarizes the contribution of Wang Yunzhang's opera.This chapter discusses the significance of his opera history from the influence of Wang Yunzhang's opera works and the publication of the drama on the drama.Appendix ? is the biography of Wang Yunzhang.The author tries his best to compile his life story,and he is fascinated by the author's academic ability.However,the newspapers and periodicals in the Republic of China are so diverse that it is not exhaustive and regrettable.Appendix ? is the catalogue of Wang Yunzhang's works.This catalogue is the work of Wang Yunzhang that the author has collected so far.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Yunzhang, legendary drama, new style of drama style
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