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Research On Zi Zhang And His Thoughts

Posted on:2020-06-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330578454345Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zi Zhang also named Zhuan Sun Shi,a 48-year-old young Confucius disciple,is a younger disciple of Confucius.Zi Zhang has a brilliant talent and outstanding personality.The Analects of Confucius once had the saying "Teachers are also pioneering",which was biased in its temperament.However,in his later years,he was highly accomplished and brilliant.Mencius called him "one of the saints".Han Feizi,Lie zi,Zhang Zhiru,was the first of the eight Confucian schools,and Song Dynasty promoted him to "ten philosophers".Its position in Confucianism is self-evident.On the issue of Zizhang's native place,there are two viewpoints in the historical books: the "Lu people say" and the "Chen people say".This paper combines the historical documents,makes a detailed textual research,draws the conclusion that Zizhang is a Lu people,and combs out his life experience.Zi Zhang's personality is very distinct,high-minded,broad-minded,meteorological,but there are extreme illnesses,lack of solid external affairs,Confucius has many admonitions,but Zi Zhang has a good learning spirit,diligent thinking,so he can reflect on himself,study ethics,under the guidance of Confucius,and eventually become the hero of Confucius' s descendants.Zi Zhang's thought covers a wide range of aspects.This paper mainly discusses from three aspects: Chong virtue and benevolence,advocating loyalty and faithfulness,respecting virtue and admiring the masses.His worship of virtue and benevolence is based on the inheritance of Confucianism's worship of virtue,paying attention to both internal and external cultivation,and practicing conscientiously.The idea of loyalty not only inherits Confucius' thought,but also brings it into full play close to reality.It promotes loyalty to the spirit of bravery and the pursuit of benevolence.Respect for virtue and tolerance of the masses are mainly embodied in the way of making friends.Zi Zhang emphasized that we should respect virtue,inclusive of all,and achieve a harmonious state between the masses and ourselves.Zi Zhang,as a rising star of Confucianism,has made a positive contribution to the dissemination of Confucianism.Zi Zhang's Confucianism is listed as the first of the eight Confucian schools.Although Zi Zhang did not write and pass down,his practice and dissemination of Confucius Avenue affected the general public.Later generations gave Zi Zhang great respect,sealed "Chen Guogong" and promoted him to ten philosophical positions.Based on the handed-down documents and the unearthed documents,this paper makes a thorough analysis of Zi Zhang's life and his thoughts,with a view to displaying Zi Zhang's image more comprehensively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zi Zhang, Confucius, ?The Analects of Confucius?, ?The Way of Faithfulness?
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