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A Study Of The Perspective Of Andrew Wise's Paintings

Posted on:2020-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y WangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the theory of Freud's psychoanalysis and Jungian psychology,by analyzing Andrew Wyeth 's experiences and art works,this article explores the connection between Andrew Wyeth's art works and his growing environment and life experience.Firstly,from the angle of art psychology,the method of psychoanalysis will be applied to present the artistic image and language of Andrew Wyeth 's painting.Based on Andrew Wyeth's psychological characteristics,the spirit characteristic and the artistic value of Andrew Wyeth 's painting will also be analyzed,so to display the unconsciousness of his artistic image,and analysis the significance of the image from the formal language of Andrew Wyeth's art pieces.Thus,to further express that the constant appearing scene and symbolic theme in his art works,are coming from the fact of his childhood trauma and childhood lonely experience.The childhood prototype initiated and developed in the subconscious mind which has no ability to select what comes in it,forming a self-shadow of a 'obsessively focused' childhood.Then it gave Andrew Wyeth a unique way of seeing the world:to view in disguise,which later profoundly affected the art works in his life.In the hidden viewing point,Andrew Wyeth kept changing back and forth from "presence" to "absence" which gives a new expression of the relationship between seeing and been seen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Andrew Wyeth, Psychoanalysis, Childhood experience, Psychology, Hidden observation
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