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Posted on:2020-04-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330575472690Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Art schools in Shanghai area of the Republic of China are one of the most important bridges in the process of modern art education in China.In this process,the growth of the group of new female painters in the 20th century is one of thephenomena that can not be ignored.In this paper,the research objects are the aesthetic schools in Shanghai and the group of new female painters in Shanghai.Taking 1915-1938 as the time period,the educational significance of their shaping of the main body identity of new female painters is explored from the aspects of curriculum content,teaching methods,teachers'activities and aesthetic education projects in Shanghai aesthetic schools in the Republic of China.This paper is divided into six parts:The first part is to sort out the background evolution process of the whole thesis,from the silent situation of traditional female painters trapped in the boudoir to the late Qing Dynasty Reform Movement,the liberation of women in the May 4th Movement,and to analyze the transplantation track of the new education concept and western modern art concept in the Republic of China School of Fine Arts in Shanghai.The second part is based on the theory of "gaze" as the premise of argumentation.It explores the use of body as a teaching method in the course of bodysketch in the Republican Academy of Fine Arts,represented by Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts.It brings viewing resources to female students,but also subtly changes their way of thinking about self-awareness,laying the cornerstone of self-discourse for their later female artists'artistic road.The third part is to explore whether the value orientation of outdoor sketch curriculum ultimately realizes the female student's self-identity when the indoor classroom is transferred to the outdoor space and nature becomes the first teacher,course object and emotional intermediary of students.At the same time,the artisticworks and text narrative contents of female students at that time were taken as reference and contrast.The fourth part is from the first two chapters inward to outward.As a teaching method of social aesthetic education,the exhibition of paintings held by the Republican Academy of Fine Arts,represented by Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts,also potentially promotes female painters to enter the public sphere.This paperexplores the educational significance of this teaching project in promoting femalestudents'sense of self-realization and transforming themselves into female paintersThe fifth part is the analysis of the community as an important supplement to the school system of horizontal organization,an important part of the school's second classroom.This paper explores how the school community shapes the group consciousness of new female painters and promotes them to seek their self-identity in a wider environment.The sixth part is a review of the research issues and the overall content of this paper,reflecting on the enlightenment and limitations of this study to the development of higher art education and women's art in the Republic of China and at present.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shanghai Academy of Art, Modern Art, New Women, Subjectivity, Identity Consciousness
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