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Research On Practical Thoughts In Lenin's Dialectics

Posted on:2020-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330572979734Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dialectic theory is at the core of Marxist philosophy.However,Marx,the founder of Marxism,only determined the basis and basic principles of dialectics,and Engels only made some supplementary exploration on dialectics.Finally,Lenin completed the discussion on the theoretical system of dialectics.Practice is at the core of Marxist philosophical revolution in the revolution of Marxist materialist dialectics to the old materialist philosophy.Practice has replaced the nature of old materialism and Hegel's absolute spirit as the basis and subject of dialectical development.Therefore,without understanding the true meaning of dialectics,one cannot truly understand Marxist philosophy;Similarly does not understand the labor practice and the human practice history in the materialist dialectics status and the function,also cannot truly understand what is the real materialist dialectics theory.Lenin is one of the most representative figures in the development history of Marxism after Marx.His dialectic thought is mainly embodied in Lenin's philosophical notes,which was copied for the purpose of studying dialectics.Therefore,it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the dialectics,especially the practical thoughts.The consistency of thinking and existence is the premise of human cognition,but all previous philosophies only philosophically considered thinking and existence from the relationship between thinking and existence.Based on Lenin's research and discussion of Hegel's works in his philosophical notes,this paper illustrates that the basis of cognition is neither thought itself nor external existence,but human practice,which is the intermediary between thinking and existence.At the same time,Lenin also successfully revealed the practical source and foundation of dialectical knowledge in the study of dialectic theory.Practice is the basis of the unity of the three,the consistency of history and logic,and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lenin, Dialectics, Practice
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