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Research On The Headline Works Of "The Field Of Flowers" (1950-1990)

Posted on:2019-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D H ManFull Text:PDF
GTID:2435330563956559Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,we mainly observe the headlines of the "Onir qeqeg"in the past 1950-1990 years,and explain the importance of the headlines through the analysis of the genre characteristics of the headlines,the significance of the works and the social influence.This paper mainly uses literary and artistic research methods and statistical analysis to explain the headlines in this period.The full text is composed of introduction,text,epilogue,references and appendix.The introduction explains the origin of the topic,the meaning of the headlines,research significance,past research review,research purposes,research methods and research materials.The headlines of " Onir qeqeg " include the first work on the journal catalogue and the periodical print page.Because the periodicals are influenced by the society,they have different influences on the genre,the theme and the readers.Through the research,the paper finds out the characteristics of the performance to prove the value of the first"Onir qeqeg".The first chapter explains the characteristics of the headlines from three aspects:the works,the author's statistical analysis and editors.The stylistic features,headlines and material sources of headlines are studied.From the editors' point of view,editors'strategies for editing headlines are explained.The headlines in the above journals are influenced by different social backgrounds,showing the characteristics of the headlines.The second chapter explains the characteristics and subject categories of the political genre in the headlines of the journal.Under the influence of the social background,the headlines play a role in the bridge of politics and literature.The themes include political commentary,great man's viewpoint,and hot topics in literature.From the beginning of periodicals to the beginning of the new century,reviews have always been the main choice of headlines.The third chapter studies the headlines of the flower field,which are indispensable in every era.Although the source of poetry is varied,it is very difficult to choose the headlines of the flower field.The theme of headline poetry shows the law of theme change.The fourth chapter studies the reasons for the most popular headlines,and also analyzes the themes of the selected novels,mainly explaining the significance of topic selection.After entering the new era,the novel has been remarkably developed,and the novel has become an important source of headlines.In the fifth chapter,the winning situation of the headlines is analyzed and analyzed,and the social impact of the headlines is explained.Influenced by the influence of literary mechanism and the development of literature itself,influential works are mainly concentrated in novels and poems.The conclusion generalizes the analysis of the paper,summarizes the headlines,the selected themes and the headline works,and puts forward his own view.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Onir qeqeg", headline works, theme, influence
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