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An Exploration Of The "tragic" Of Chopin's "The Second Ballad In F Major"

Posted on:2019-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M K LiFull Text:PDF
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F.F.Chopin(1810-1849)-A Polish national musician with the title of "Piano Poet",one of the greatest musicians of the Romantic 19th century.Chopin's music is extremely unique and full of infinite charm.German composer and music critic Schumann used his "cannon in flowers" to describe his music,which means to show the unyielding and intense resistance inflicted on his motherland by using beautiful and moving melodies,Implied in the profound connotation of Chopin's unique dual charm.In Chopin's creative career,every work contains a rich,full,but deep ideological content.In the early stage of Chopin's creation,the "tragic" element was revealed in the musical works.No one could escape the torrent of history in that era full.of democracy and revolution.Chopin is no exception.Since the Polish Revolution broke out in 1831,Chopin fled his hometown at the advice of his father.From that moment on,Chopin's heartless infinite passion can only become a note on the keyboard.His compositions began to show a strong,deep,Strong "tragic" color,while showing a unique dramatic effect.Since then,Chopin's musical creation has risen to a whole new level and his style of writing has become more mature.Other composers of the same period are full of passion for various musical fields,such as symphony,vocal music,genre of opera and so on,while Chopin is different.He devoted all his life to the piano music creation and innovated a lot of music genres,such as ballades,scherzo,impromptu music,Polonaise and so on,inherited the tradition and at the same time integrated into Polish national unique National colors,to inject a lot of vitality for these musical genres,Chopin created more than 200 pieces of piano works,these pieces of music are unique Chopin charm.Among all Chopin's musical compositions,piano narratives have an unshakable position.The ballade is an ancient art genre,When Chopin wrote the piano ballade,he used the narrative poem and vocal music of ballade for the first time,and used the ancient genre in the piano works.The piano music also has narration and epic.His four ballades are full of unique charm,is the classical music of national researchers and performers.Since then,the genre of piano narratology began to develop and spread.Composers such as Liszt,Grieg,and Brahms also began to create and develop this piano genre,making a great contribution to the development of piano art.For Chopin's four ballades,there are many studies of "Ballade no.1" and "Ballade no.4",while the research contents of the "Ballade no.2" and the "Ballade no.3" are relatively few.Among them,the research contents of "Ballade no.2" mainly include:music structure,such as "Chopin's Ballade no.2 in F Major music and analysis performance"(Gao Chenyuan,Harbin Normal University,2006);thematic motivation analysis,such as "The melody analysis of Chopin's four ballades "(Song Weiyun,Yanshan University 2012);Performance Versions,such as " Comparison of Chopin's Ballade no.2 performance versions "(Liu Zheng,Southwest University,2007);Nationalist psychoanalysis,such as "A Preliminary Study on the Ethnic Characteristics of Chopin's ballade"(Chen Chunlan,Quanzhou Normal University,2014);Performance techniques,such as "How to play Chopin "(Author Regina,translator Zhou Guangren 2009)and so on.Although there are many studies of "the second narrative",there are few"tragic".Professor Yu Runyang's June 24 issue of the musicology monograph "Sad Chopin-An Interpretation of the Tragedy in Chopin's Music"(Shanghai Music Publishing House)conducted an analysis of Chopin's 24 pieces of music,"Ballade no.2 in F Major Op.38"just a brief overview,there is no detailed study,there is no in-depth study of music in the "tragedy".Chopin will be his life's emotions into the music,enriched the musical connotation,make it glow with brilliant light.The Chopin emotion in those with "tragic" connotation more directly to the heart,make people resonate.Therefore,taking Chopin 's " Ballade no.2 in F Major Op.38" as an example,this article begins with "tragic",grasps the whole music image,analyzes the music with the background of Chopin's time.At the same time,I analyze the "tragic" element of this music through different perspectives and understand the unique charm of this music.Performing performance analysis of the themed music passages,analyzing the "tragic" elements of the work in depth and raising awareness of Chopin's narratives,in order to better interpret Chopin's music.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chopin, ballade, tragic
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