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The Three-dimensional Expression Of Characters In The Creation Of Humanistic Documentaries

Posted on:2019-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q HuFull Text:PDF
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The shaping of characters is the key to the creation of a humanities documentary.Humanistic documentary film should highlight the humanistic value and reflect the humanity and sociality of the documentary.It must rely on the three-dimensional expression of the characters.A rich and full character image can show the deep meaning of the documentary and reflect the status of society.On the contrary,a single,flat character image will make the documentary boring and difficult to convey its theme connotation,and will not be loved by the audience.Therefore,the study of the three-dimensional expression of people has its theoretical value and practical significance.This article analyzes the excellent humanities documentary through literature analysis,case analysis and comparative study.From the perspective of creation,this paper discusses how to represent the three-dimensional representation of characters in terms of character selection,narrative,and audiovisual language.The humanities documentaries mainly refer to documentaries that reflect the relationship between people and society,including human history,culture,and course changes.Therefore,the humanities documentary takes characters as the main object of photography,and has a strong humanity and sociality.The three-dimensional expression of characters mainly refers to the author's multi-faceted and multi-perspective expression of characters,while exploring aspects of the characters' little-known aspects or breaking the public's inherent cognitive concepts,thereby shaping the circular characters that are different from the flat characters,vivid three-dimensional typical characters.This dissertation mainly studies the three-dimensional representation of characters from three aspects: character selection,narrative,and audiovisual language.In the humanities documentaries featuring people as the main performance objects,the selection of characters is naturally crucial.A character-rich and emotionally rich character image naturally seizes the viewer's eyeballs to better convey the humanistic spirit that the documentary bears.This article analyzes a large number ofdocumentaries and related literature,combined with their own practical experience,proposes that when selecting characters,typical characters,“beautiful” characters,and characters with “story” should be selected.In practice shooting,creators should be good at discovering and capturing characters.In order to integrate the character's life and grasp the characters' commonalities and characteristics,we can choose a three-dimensional character.Human social life is plentiful and diverse.Naturally,events cannot happen without separation and conflict.After choosing three-dimensional figures,this article analyzes how to represent people in three dimensions from narrative aspects.If there is a narrative in the documentary,it is inseparable from the dramatic plot development.The creator must develop plots through the proper expression of contradictions and conflicts,so as to show the characters' thinking in the development of the story.Then through the clever use of details,revealing the inner feelings of the characters from the subtleties,and thus displaying three-dimensional characters.Finally,in practice,creators should also make full use of rich audio-visual language to stereoscopically display characters.In this regard,this article mainly focuses on photographing and editing.In shooting,the creator must first establish the perspective of equality and mutual trust.Whether it is tracking shooting or interviewing people,it is necessary to establish equal and respectful shooting relationships with the person being photographed,so that the person in question naturally reveals the true nature.Shoot a real,full-fledged character.Secondly,the changing scenes can show the complex situation of the characters.The vision can show the living conditions of the characters by presenting the space environment.Close-ups can highlight the look and action of the characters and enrich the characters.In addition,the rich light and shade can express the inner feelings of the characters,using light and shade and light and dark contrasts to enhance the infectivity of the pictures and delicately display the emotional ups and downs of the characters,thereby vividly displaying the mood of the characters and making the characters expression more three-dimensional.Finally,the same period of life in the documentary canexpress the emotions of the characters.Using the valuable synopsis,they can directly reveal the characters' personalities,and can also supplement the inner feelings of the characters.The author's graduation work "I am a teacher" also discussed from the above three aspects.In terms of character selection,the author chose Li Zhi,a typical character,who is a teacher of an arts education institution and also has experience in working within the system.The character itself has both commonalities and characteristics.The in-depth observation of the work and life of the photographed person,the character's character and inner feelings through the filming of the story between the character and the child,and the use of close-up images in the filming of the character's rich demeanor,in the light of In the contrast of light and shade,the characters' inner feelings are expressed,and the characters of the cheerful characters are expressed in the same period of life.Through the use of these audio-visual languages,a vivid,three-dimensional teacher image is created.In the theoretical research and creative practice,the author still has many deficiencies,but the study of the three-dimensional expression of the characters broadens the author's thinking and has guiding significance for the future creative practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Documentaries of the Humanities, Character, Stereoscopic expression
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