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The Fusion Of Theater Performance, Music And Dance In Musicals

Posted on:2019-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P GaoFull Text:PDF
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In musical theatre actors performing to drama,music,dancing,the three professional skills to conform to the law of art fusion,to strive for the performance of the performance have distinctive art integration features.Between is not a simple addition,nor surface together,but obeys the law of artistic creation stage performance of organic integration,is the sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you,in the mutual set off,enhance the aesthetic embodiment of each other.Music drama plays with music and dance,its internal basis--the characters are the core,the setting of the situation is the base point,the plot is the task,the highest task is the goal.Solid basic skills are the basic requirements of a musical actor and must be trained professionally.Take the original musical "grandma" as an example,the author plays the role in the tone color,and in the dance stage,the mood of the characters,and through the dance section,clear the drama structure.The song and dance performance,if not the drama,is still a good song and dance performance,but not really the song and dance needed to be a musical.The creators of musicals must first create and add a more lively singing and dancing performance to meet the needs of the drama.For actors,however,is not really understand the connotation of song and dance drama and drama movement,can use the skills of singing and dancing performance of various means and skills,will be one of the dramatic natural and vividly,can not optional and for,but need serious study,read repeatedly trying,and then present to the singing and dancing.The basic accomplishment of the musical actors,the performance skills of singing and dancing,and the integration of stage,are the implementation conditions of music drama performance and music and dance integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Musicals, drama, music, dance, fusion
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