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Research On The Methods Of Character Creation In Micro-films

Posted on:2019-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiuFull Text:PDF
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The production cost of microfilm is low,and the length is short,the theme is clear and easy to understand the fragmented reading habits that can adapt to the audience,so that it has a unique advantage in the market of mass cultural products.At the same time,the development of new media technology has given its wide spread space.Therefore,the microfilm has always been a strong force in the early 20 th century,and has become one of the main objects of the current film theory research.By combing the development trend of micro film,it is found that the importance of portrayal is becoming more and more important in the creation of microfilms.Therefore,this study takes the characterization of characters in microfilms as the research object,which can not only broaden the perspective of the current microfilm theory research,but also explore the sustainable and healthy development path of the microfilm market.The inevitable choice.In the past film research,character building has always been the core concern of the film theory,and it is an important foothold for the realization of the artistry of the film.Although the artistic creation of the microfilm has its particularity,it is similar to the film which is the carrier of audio-visual language.Both the film and the characters of the microfilm are the key to attract the audience,promote the narration and intensify the contradiction point.The author thinks about the human life and the human nature.Therefore,the research on the characterization of the microfilms not only adapts to the trend of showing the humanistic care in the context of the present film and television,but also conforms to the inherent requirements of the creation of film and television works.By combing the concept and development of microfilm,this study explores the uniqueness of characterization in micro films,and expounds the significance of characterization in microfilms,so as to excavate the methods and techniques of portrayal of microfilms.At the same time,this study also combines my original microfilm works-"Home" for practical analysis.First of all,this article combs anddefines the concept of microfilms,and summarizes the main characteristics of the development stages of micro films,especially the personality characteristics of three aspects: characterization,theme expression and plot setting.Secondly,by summarizing the related concepts of characterization in the past,this paper grasps the relationship between characterization and the presentation of microfilm art,and combines the basic morphological analysis of the figure theory based on aesthetic features,clarifying the main position of characterization in the microfilm,and presenting the story from the story and the story.The theme expresses the significance of characterization to microfilm.Finally,portrayal of characters in microfilms is a multilevel and all-round problem.In this paper,there are three parts of the research on the strategy of microfilm portrayal,including plot setting,actor performance and voice picture.The plot is one of the basic elements of the film narration,a complete story fragment in series in series.The microfilm is short in length and the plot is jumps,and the character's characteristics are highlighted in the jumping plot;the actor's performance is a direct depiction and expression of the characters with the "human" as the object.The actors include the language of the characters,the action,the expression and the dress of the actors,and the pictures and sounds are flank or prominent in the operation of the portrayal of the figures.At the same time,from the practical point of view,this paper expounds the embodiment of my microfilm works "Home" from the early planning,the script conception,the mid term filming,and the later stage making as a supplement to the research.
Keywords/Search Tags:microfilm, characterization, creation
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