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The Theoretical Discussion Of Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai Regulating Zhongjiao Qiji In The Treatment Of Systemic Diseases And Summary Of Clinical Treatment Ideas

Posted on:2021-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2434330632455658Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During my studies in the outpatient department,I found that my tutor,Professor Li Rui,was skilled at using the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point to regulate the Qi mechanism of the Middle Jiao to treat many diseases,and the therapeutic effect was very obvious.Therefore,this study will focus on the ancient and modern clinical application of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point,the theoretical discussion of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point in regulating the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism in the treatment of various diseases,and the summary of Professor Li Rui's clinical treatment ideas.Taking the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point as the starting point,this study analyzes and summarizes its main treatment law,theoretical basis and Professor Li Rui's clinical treatment ideas,thus hoping to have a better guiding significance for the clinical understanding and treatment of acupuncture.Objectives1 In order to understand the ancient and modern clinical application of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point,this study examines the ancient and modern clinical application rules of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point.2 This study discusses the theory of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point in regulating the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism for the treatment of various diseases,summarizes the discussion of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point and Middle Jiao Qi mechanism from Huangdi Neijing to modern physicians,and systematically studies the theory of the theoretical basis of the treatment of Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point.3 This study summarizes Professor Li Rui's clinical treatment ideas,mainly through the collection and arrangement of his outpatient cases,the systematic research on the clinical application of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point,and through highlighting the main indications of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point.Methods1 The ancient documents are searched for on the basis of ancient traditional Chinese medicine literature included in the Chinese medical code,and the modern documents are searched for using CNKI.The corresponding databases were established,and the data were recorded and statistically analyzed to summarize the ancient and modern clinical indications of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point.2 By using the method of literature research,taking Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai acupoint and Qi mechanism theory as the research object,through searching the library collection and network database and other ways to collect relevant literature materials,to sum up the relationship between three points,Middle Jiao Qi mechanism and Qi mechanism,then to xplore and analyze the theoretical basis of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai acupoint in regulating the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism for the treatment of various diseases.3 By following Professor Li Rui's clinical practice in the outpatient department,I collected relevant cases of diseases treated by Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point,established a case database,analyzed the recorded cases,and sorted out the main symptoms of Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point.On this basis,through the exchange and discussion with Professor Li Rui and by reading his works,papers,lectures and other materials,I was able to sum up his clinical treatment ideas.Results1 Ancient and modern clinical application rules of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point(1)In ancient literature,the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point can treat a variety of diseases and syndromes,which involve internal medicine,gynecology,surgery and pediatric diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,but primarily internal diseases and syndromes of the spleen and stomach in traditional Chinese Medicine,such as cholera,diarrhea,abdominal distention and fullness.The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point is effective in regulating qi and blood circulation,and it can treat diseases and syndromes of Qi and blood disorders,such as accumulation disease,stagnation syndrome,asthenia,and running piglet Qi,among other diseases.The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point was only utilized with moxibustion and acupuncture in ancient clinical application,among which moxibustion was the main method.(2)In modern literature,the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point has a wide range of treatment applications,involving digestive system diseases,endocrine system diseases,nervous system diseases,reproductive system diseases,respiratory system diseases,circulatory system diseases,urinary system diseases,immune system diseases,motor system diseases,and more.Among them,digestive system diseases are the most effectively treated using the acupoint group,especially gastrointestinal diseases,such as gastritis,enteritis,constipation and other diseases.The group of points is most commonly used to treat obesity.The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai acupoint has numerous stimulation methods in modern clinical application,mainly acupuncture.2 The theoretical mechanism of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point in regulating the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism for treating various diseases(1)Qi is the most basic material to constitute and maintain human life activities.The Qi mechanism maintains human life activities in four basic forms:ascending,descending,exiting and entering.The Qi can rise up,fall,exit and enter in order to achieve equilibrium.The sea of grain and water,body fluid,Qi and blood,and yin and yang can move around the body,and viscera function can be regulated.Therefore,clinical application of the Qi mechanism theory should be emphasized.(2)The Middle Jiao Qi mechanism plays the pivotal role of the Qi movement within the whole body.If there is a regular rise and fall of the Middle Jiao Qi then the sea of grain and water,body fluid,and Qi and blood can be normalized,generated and transferred,conveyed with the Upper and Lower Jiao,to then run and nourish Sanjiao.Furthermore,if the spleen rises and the stomach falls in order,then the heart and lung Yang will fall,the kidney and liver Yin will rise,the five elements will rotate,and the viscera will be peaceful.In addition,if Yingwei,consisting of the nutrient Qi and defensive Qi,comes out of the Middle Jiao,then it can infuse the whole body through the veins,flow throughout the body,moisten the viscera,and benefit the hands and feet,so as to provide endless opportunities for life.(3)The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point,located in the middle of the abdomen and around the navel,corresponds to the three aspects of heaven,man and earth,forming a place where heaven and earth intersect,creating an upper and lower portion of the body,where yin and yang rise and fall,forming a hub for the operation of Qi,so as to reach the Middle Jiao and pass through Sanjiao;mediate the spleen and stomach,unblock the viscera,regulate the pulse and Qi,and pass through the channels,thus showing that the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point can regulate the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism to treat various diseases.3 Summary of Professor Li Rui's clinical treatment ideas(1)The study on the outpatient case data of Professor Li Rui? From January 2012 to December 2019,outpatient case data of Professor Li Rui,who mainly treats diseases with the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point,was collected from the outpatient department of the Guoyitang clinic,Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.Focus was given to the case data from January 2019 to December 2019,and the case data from January 2012 to December 2018 were used as a reference for the study,involving 64 patients in 2019 and 264 patients from 2012-2018.? Through the statistical classification of 64 cases in 2019 and 264 cases from 2012-2018,with the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai as the main point,the cases in 2019 involve 30 kinds of diseases,while the cases from 2012-2018 involve 67 kinds of diseases,and the main diseases include various diseases and syndromes such as internal,surgery,and facial features diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,with a relatively wide range of treatment indications.Among them,the acupoint group mainly treats internal diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,and is effective at regulating the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism to treat various diseases.? The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point only involves acupuncture as the treatment method in the included cases,with routine acupuncture as the main method and occasional electroacupuncture as auxiliary treatment.The acupoint most often selected for electroacupuncture is the Tianshu acupoint.(2)Summary of Professor Li Rui's clinical treatment ideasAccording to many years of clinical experience,Professor Li Rui thinks that the Qi mechanism of the Middle Jiao spleen and stomach is what leads the whole body Qi mechanism.The Qi mechanism of the Upper Jiao heart and lung and Lower Jiao liver and kidney depends on the pivotal role of the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism.Therefore,Li Rui believes that all diseases must be treated according to this principle,while the principle is mainly responsible for the spleen and stomach.Therefore,in clinical treatment,the spleen and stomach must be adjusted first.At the same time,the diagnosis and treatment of the rise and fall of Qi and blood,the rise and fall of Qi and the turbidity of body fluid are also carried out by the spleen and stomach.Furthermore,it is seen as the guiding ideology of clinical treatment for insomnia,cough,chest arthralgia,headache,vertigo,abdominal distention,stomach distention,lumbago,dampness,fatigue,obesity,rheumatism arthralgia and other internal diseases,as well as gynecology,five sense organs,dermatology,and surgery diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,among other diseases that all result with a good clinical effect.Conclusions1 This study summarizes the main clinical application of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point in ancient and modern times.It can be concluded that the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point has had a wide range of clinical applications in ancient and modern times.The acupoint group can treat multiple system diseases and is effective in treating spleen and stomach diseases.The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point has been primarily applied with moxibustion in ancient clinical application and with acupuncture in modern clinical application.2 The Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point is of great significance for the regulation of the human body.It is located around the navel,and can directly regulate the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism,due to the fact that the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism is the pivotal aspect of the Qi machine's operation.It plays an axial role in the transportation of Qi and blood,and body fluid to the viscera and meridians.Therefore,acupuncture at the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point can regulate the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism to treat various diseases.3 This study summarizes the main treatment syndromes of the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point applied in Professor Li Rui's outpatient clinic.It can be concluded that the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point has a wide range of clinical applications,and can treat various diseases and syndromes such as internal,gynecology,surgery and facial features diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,among which,the acupoint group mainly treats internal diseases of traditional Chinese medicine,and is effective in regulating the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism to treat various diseases.Through case collection and data analysis,I was successful in understanding Professor Li Rui's approach of treating diseases.Professor Li Rui thinks that the Qi mechanism of the Middle Jiao spleen and stomach is the leading aspect of the whole body Qi mechanism.The Qi mechanism of Upper Jiao heart and lung,Lower Jiao liver and kidney.and the movement of the whole body Qi and blood all depend on the pivotal role of the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism.He emphasizes that the treatment must be based on this principle of treating diseases.First of all,he stresses that one should regulate the Qi mechanism of the Middle Jiao spleen and stomach,on the basis of ensuring smooth functioning of the Qi mechanism,and to treat dialectically and symptomatically.Therefore,in clinical treatment,Mr.Li often takes the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point to regulate the Middle Jiao Qi mechanism and the whole body Qi mechanism to treat various diseases and syndromes.When approaching different diseases or symptoms,the Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point is taken as the main point and other points are used for further treatment.Professor Li Rui has achieved a positive therapeutic effect in treating various diseases and syndromes.
Keywords/Search Tags:clinical experience, theoretical discussion, spleen and stomach, Qi mechanism, Zhongwan-Tianshu-Qihai point, Middle Jiao Qi mechanism
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