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Research On Employee Turnover In H Branch Of JT Bank

Posted on:2019-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C C LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330572957388Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the full liberalization of financial market in China,the competition of financial industry has gradually escalated.Especially in order to speed up the pace of localization,foreign banks mostly adopt the strategy of localization of talents,which intensifies the competition for financial talents.Five state-owned commercial banks with state-owned holding as the main body have become the disaster areas of personnel drain,and the rate of personnel drain has been rising steadily in the past five years.As one of the five old state-owned banks,the turnover rate of JT bank has been increasing year by year.This paper will study the current situation of staff turnover in a provincial branch of JT bank,H branch,under this background,analyze the reasons for staff turnover,and find out effective countermeasures for JT bank and even the whole state-owned bank.The development of holding banks has a very important practical significance.Firstly,the characteristics and trends of brain drain of JT Bank H Branch in the past five years was analyzed in this paper,and the study showed that there is a strong correlation between the brain drain of JT Bank H Branch and its age,position,educational background and working life: Employees with higher educational level are more likely to choose to leave than those with lower degrees.Employees in management positions are more stable than those in business positions.Employees with lower ages are more likely to choose to leave than those with older ages.Employees with longer working years less likely tend to leave than those with shorter working years.Admittedly,maintaining a moderate turnover rate is of certain benefit,from the perspective of enterprise development.The flow of personnel can make the enterprise supplement fresh blood,bring new innovation and ideas to the enterprise,and also create a certain competitive atmosphere within the enterprise.However,for the banking industry,the frequent job-hopping of employees and the increasing staff turnover rate,on the one hand,increase the cost and expenditure of the bank.If the core employees of the bank jump to other interbank institutions,it will not only lead to the loss of customer resources,but also reduce the efficiency and cohesion of existing employees.It has a negative effect on the reputation of banks.Then,the main reasons for brain drain are found and analyzed through the questionnaire survey conducted with the employees at work and the employees who have left the branch H of JT Bank.JT Bank H Branch has many problems,such as single recruitment and promotion mode,imperfect salary system,welfare microblog,lack of scientificity in performance appraisal,lagging staff training and lack of positive guidance of corporate culture,etc.In addition,under the combined effect of internal and external reasons,the fiercer external competition leads to the brain drain.Through the analysis of the above situation,this paper gives the corresponding countermeasures on the brain drain phenomenon of H Branch of JT Bank,and puts forward some measures to retain and absorb talents through perfecting the recruitment mode,perfecting the incentive system,paying attention to staff training,formulating career development plan,improving staff loyalty and satisfaction,and creating excellent corporate culture and attract talents.Talents will be the key factor that decides the invincibility of enterprises in the future.Therefore,state-owned joint-stock banks must strengthen the exploration of human resources management and keep up with the time.They should have both theoretical research results and practical application verification.We are confident and capable of enabling state-owned banks to shoulder their social responsibilities and industry burdens as before and to glow with enthusiasm for the prosperity of the country and economic development.
Keywords/Search Tags:JT bank H branch, human resources, employee turnover, salary and benefits
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