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Research On The Government Management Problem And Solution On The Service Trade In GuangZhou

Posted on:2019-02-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330566975882Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since China's reform and opening up more than four decades ago,China has been advocating a national policy of deepening reform and expanding opening-up steadfastly.China's foreign trade has been developing continuously.Its total foreign trade in 2017 is 27.79 trillion yuan,making China the largest trading country in the world.However,on the other hand,China is still far from a strong trading country,especially in service trade,which is far from a major trading country.China's total service trade in 2016 was 657.5 billion dollars,ranking second in the world.However,the total service trade of the USA in 2014 was 11888 billion dollars,far higher than China's service trade.As service trade is a new type of trade needed for China's foreign trade to reach a higher stage,it is also an important way for China to enhance its political,economic and cultural global influence.Trade in services is different from trade in goods.Invisible trade ways include cross-border travel,insurance,culture and entertainment,professional and management consulting and other fields.The management of trade in services is much need to reflect the government functions of economic intervention level and the nature of a service-oriented government.To change our country foreign trade situation which stands at the low end on the whole in the industrial chain and mid-range problem,in 2016,the state council approved the ten cities including Guangzhou,five countries new district as the country trade in services innovation pilot city development,through the local government leading,actively explore to adapt to the trade in services management system and mechanism,in the national can copy can promote accumulation of experience,to speed up the promotion level of development of our country's service trade.Guangzhou as the forefront of China's reform,opening up and the national important central cities,trade in services in developing countries in the process of the pilot,have achieved good results.The development of service trade policies for national laid a solid foundation.However,we also find that there are still a series of problems in the management of service trade in guangzhou,which needs to be studied and put forward corresponding countermeasures for improvement.As a member of the work in the guangzhou trade in services management,based on the general situation of guangzhou trade in services management,through the perspective of public administration,government intervention and a service-oriented government theory to analyze the problems existing in the management of the service trade in guangzhou,I don't think management department set up reasonably.Intergovernmental cooperation mechanism is imperfect and the government service consciousness remains to be further promoted,which is the main reason for the problems existed in trade in services management.To solve these problems,I borrowed from other developed areas of the service trade management experience,put forward the perfect laws and regulations of trade in services management,straighten out the coordination mechanism,improve the management level and strengthen the performance evaluation and other countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:GuangZhou city, service trade management, problems, solution
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