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Study On The Influencing Factors Of Farmers' Adoption Of Land Trusteeship

Posted on:2019-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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At present,China is in a critical period of transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture.The problem of low enthusiasm for peasants to grow grain has been highlighted,and the task of ensuring food security is quite urgent.Hebei Province is one of the major grain producing areas in China,and its grain sown area and total output are stable at about 6% in the country all year round.However,at present,grain production in Hebei Province still faces the problems of small scale of operation,low enthusiasm for peasant households to grow grain,lack of uniform standardization of production standards,and lower yield per unit than the national average.The emergence of land custodians has made it possible to solve these problems.Therefore,the promotion of land custody in Hebei Province has become a key issue in ensuring food security at this stage.Based on the theory of farmer household behavior and institutional change,the paper comprehensively analyzes the possible influencing factors of farmer adoption of land custody,based on the survey data of Ningjin County,Hebei Province,and empirically studies the factors affecting the adoption of land custody by farmers in Ningjin County to improve land custody.The adoption rate put forward specific recommendations,so that the results of the study can provide reference for land escrow in other regions.The main conclusions are as follows:First,the new model of agricultural socialization service of the “Food Production Alliance + Service Industrial Park” market-oriented by the “Rounding Up” Land Hosting Association has the characteristics of reducing service costs,increasing profits,and enhancing the ability to resist risks.Other similar land hosting associations follow suit.Second,currently the main form of land custody for the “Ronggung Upland” land custody association of Ningjin County is full custody(service-type full custody).The main reasons for farmers adopting full custody are that they can work more comfortably,the farmers have the same psychology,and have guaranteed production,which can reduce the risk of planting.The main reasons for the adoption of semi-custodian by farmers include the need for manual assistance from farmers,good semi-managed services,and reasonable fees.The production process needs outside help.Third,through statistical analysis,four types of factors affecting the willingness of farmers to adopt are identified,which are the characteristics of farm households,farmers' awareness,government policies,and the characteristics of land trust itself.Finally,we get the age,education level,family population,annual agricultural income,whether we heard the explanation of land trusteeship,farmers' trust in land trusteeship,farmer's satisfaction with government policies,farmers' perceived usefulness of land trusteeship.The nine variables such as the impression of farmer households on land confiscation have a significant impact on the farmers' willingness to adopt.In response to the above conclusions,this paper proposes the following countermeasures.From the perspective of farmers themselves,through increasing publicity,raising farmers' awareness level,the government intensifying education and training,and raising the level of cultural quality of farmers;from the perspective of trusteeship associations,respecting the wishes of farmers,ensuring the effectiveness of land custody,and improving land trust standards Sexuality,stability,and the establishment of a joint trusteeship organization;from the government's point of view,intensify support for land trusteeship and increase the publicity of typical cases of the “Ronghang” land custody association so as to have a more positive impact.Good demonstration effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:farmers, adoption, land trusteeship, influencing factors
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