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Criticism Of Historical Materialism Of "Green Malthism"

Posted on:2019-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330548985838Subject:Marxist theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the 18 th century,Europe's population grew at an ever increasing rate,which led t o a focus on population.The first edition of the 1798,published by Malthus,marks th e birth of Malthus' s doctrine.Since the birth of Malthus,there has been much controv ersy,and Marxism and Friedrich Engels have been in deep criticism of the historical materialism.After the Second World War,scholars in some developed countries further promote d Malthus,as population and environmental issues became more prominent around th e world,from the perspectives of sociology,economics and demographics,the proble ms of the world's population and economy were discussed.The environmental ideas o f these scholars originated from a series of green movements at the time,they're called the green Malthus.Green Malthus has been widely spread around the world and has h ad a profound impact on environmental movements around the world.In the face of th e green Malthus challenge to Marxism's historical materialism,the eco-marxists,repre sented by Jonathan Hughes,have been deeply critical of it,and a vigorous defence of Marxism's historical materialism of ecology.The historical materialism criticism of green Malthus by the ECOMARXISTS is a s trong defence of Marxist ecological outlook,which gives the world a deeper understa nding of Marxist ecological thought,in order to solve the problems of population and environment,it also provides some constructive advice for our country to formulate sc ientific population policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Green Malthusianism, Historical materialism, Criticism, Goal of meaning
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