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Research On The Motivation And Performance Of Haier's Merger And Acquisition Of GE Appliances

Posted on:2019-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C MeiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays,with the deepening of economic globalization,more competitors have entered the global market,and greater pressures and challenges for survival will be faced by companies.In a short period of time,cross-border mergers and acquisitions can complete the optimal allocation of capital,and then help companies to accumulate more assets and effectively improve their international competitiveness.Based on the above,it has become an important plan for many companies to implement foreign strategic plans.Now that many home appliance companies also carry out cross-border mergers and acquisitions,Haier's acquisition of GE appliances is very typical.It is a way for local companies to internationalize.What is the motivation behind this merger? What is the achievement of performance? These are all worth paying attention to.This article first summarizes relevant literature on cross-border mergers and acquisitions,and summarizes the motivation and performance of cross-border mergers and acquisitions.Then he selected Haier to acquire GE appliances as the case,studied the motivation of mergers and acquisitions,and analyzed the performance of mergers and acquisitions.Using financial analysis method and non-financial analysis method,and using the data of Haier's past financial statements for longitudinal comparison,and horizontally comparing with the US's financial indicators,the non-financial performance mainly revolved around the market performance,and finally passed the analysis results and analyzed the results for the future Chinese enterprises.Cross-border mergers and acquisitions make recommendations to improve the M&A performance of Chinese companies in cross-border mergers and acquisitions in the future.The conclusions of the thesis are as follows: First,one of the important ways for enterprises to achieve globalization is through cross-border mergers and acquisitions,to fully understand their share in various parts of the world,so as to select appropriate companies for cross-border mergers and acquisitions,and finally to form a global market for their own companies.Second,cross-border mergers and acquisitions of companies to expand the market should mainly start with multi-brand operations,because different places will have different market needs,multi-brand can meet the needs of various aspects;Third,performance should pay special attention to cross-border mergers and acquisitions The decline in debt-paying ability may further increase the risk of insolvency,bankruptcy,etc.,while for profitability and operational ability,it needs to constantly adapt to each other after mergers and acquisitions,and continuously improve itself to gradually achieve all possible synergies,thus making up for both Defects of the other party.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transnational Merger and acquisition, motivation analysis, performance analysis
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