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Research On The Influence Of Creative Atmosphere Perception And Work Well-being On Employees' Innovative Behavior

Posted on:2019-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330545960222Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
How to motivate employees to create innovative behavior and promote enterprise innovation has always been an important issue in the field of management studies.Existing studies have found that the factors influencing employees' innovative behavior are very complex.Individual psychological factors include employee psychological capital,psychological security,and work well-being.External subjective normative factors include the perception of innovation atmosphere,team support,and program fairness.Factors will affect the creation of employee innovation behavior.However,the internal mechanism of these factors affecting employee innovation behavior is not clear.In view of this,this paper builds the research model of this article based on theory of planned behavior,leader-member exchange theory,positive psychology theory,puts forward related research hypotheses,and then designs innovation atmosphere perception,work well-being,and employee innovation behavior scale.Questionnaire surveys were used to collect data,and 426 valid questionnaires were statistically analyzed using software such as SPSS and AMOS.The results of the study indicate that of the 14 hypotheses proposed in this paper,10 hypotheses have been supported and the expected research objectives have been basically achieved.This study shows that the three dimensions of perceived atmosphere of innovation atmosphere,including support perception,executive support perception,and organizational support perception,all have a significant positive impact on employee innovation behavior.Moreover,in the context of China's unique organizational culture,executive support perception and employee innovation behavior The greatest impact is that this is an important discovery of this article.Therefore,in the company's management practices,creating a good atmosphere for employees to create effective innovation can effectively motivate employees to create innovative behavior.In the four dimensions of employee work well-being,work autonomy,work ambition,and job competencies have a significant impact on employee innovation behavior.When employees have a high level of job well-being,they can inspire their natural work enthusiasm,improve their self-development,actively improve their own work performance,and make their own contribution to the innovation of the company.Work autonomy and work ambition in the four dimensions of work well-being have a complete mediating role between perception of innovation atmosphere and employee innovation behavior.This is also an important finding of this paper.This conclusion shows that employee innovation behavior is different from other employee behaviors.The production must rely on the initiative and enthusiasm of individual employees.Therefore,in the management practice of an enterprise,enterprises must not only allow employees to feel the various external support created by the organization to stimulate employees' innovative behavior,but also pay attention to increase the positive psychological experience of employees and improve their work autonomy and ambitions.In this way,employees' initiative and enthusiasm for innovation are stimulated,and employees are actively adopting innovative behaviors to achieve corporate innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Creative atmosphere perception, Work happiness, Employee innovation behavior
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