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Optimization Design Of Performance Appraisal System Of M Catering Company

Posted on:2019-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X M JingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330545959608Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of China's reforms and the expansion of economic development scale,more and more private enterprises spring up in China like bamboo shoots after a spring rain and are becoming a powerful growth point of China's economy in the new age.Although private enterprises keeps expanding economic scale and changing business modes,it can be seen that daily operation and development of private enterprises still lack scientific and systematic guidance.Performance assessment can not only facilitate enterprise managers to master actual performance of employees and adjust employees' salaries,positions,awards and punishments based on assessment results,but also give full play to employees' subjective initiative,which is conducive to improving employees' abilities and stabilizing quality of employees.In this way,private enterprises are able to take up talent advantages in the fierce market competition and improve overall core competitiveness.Therefore,to deeply research and reasonably employ performance assessment and management system is an effective approach to systemize,standardize and routinize management method,process and mode.In the daily operation process,enterprise managers can quantize management process based on effective data provided by performance assessment and management system,thus making management process opened and data-based and reducing the cost of opaque management.In this research,existing performance assessment system of M Catering Company was selected as a research object.Then according to problems and suggestions proposed by employees,the performance assessment of employees of M Catering Company and overall operation of performance assessment system of M Catering Company were studied under the theoretical guidance of scientific performance assessment theories,by combining empirical analysis with theoretical analysis as well as qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.Then improvement suggestions were put forward.Through above surveys and researches,the author worked out different assessment schemes for employees of different levels in different departments of M Catering Company.Further on,based on those schemes,a set of performance assessment indicator system suitable for daily operation of M Catering Company was designed,with a view to assessing employees' performance in a comprehensive,scientific and objective way,achieving standard guidance on M Catering Company's performance assessment system and leading M Catering Company to a scientific and normative operation path.
Keywords/Search Tags:performance appraisal, System, design
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