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Research On The Financing Of Agricultural E-commerce In Hunan

Posted on:2019-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K J ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330545456360Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of Internet technology,Internet plus has become an important driving force to change the mode of economic growth in our country in all walks of life.Similarly,Internet technology has been vigorously promoted in the agricultural field,and has become a key force to promote the development of agricultural industry,Ti Gaonong's product competitiveness,and promote structural reform of the supply side of agriculture.However,the characteristics of "light assets" of agricultural electric business enterprises do not match the traditional credit mode of the banking industry.Compared with ordinary electricity providers,agricultural electricity providers have less profits and are unable to bear the high cost of Internet financing.Hunan is a major agricultural province,in recent years,agriculture with the wave of the Internet,the development of agricultural industry obtained great progress,whether it is cooperation with the well-known electricity providers,or the local electricity supplier in Hunan to build,"Internet plus agriculture" has become an important force to promote the transformation of Agriculture,promote the development of agriculture,agricultural business prospects are consistent about.However,the development of a new type of industry is bound to be inseparable from the promotion of capital.As agricultural e-commerce is like other industries,how to effectively integrate the use of e-commerce technology and capital intervention has become a problem facing the agricultural business.This paper will be to Hunan agricultural business financing effect as the research object,through investigation and Research on the current situation of agricultural business enterprise financing in Hunan Province,understand the agriculture of our country electricity market financing situation,over the years the main financial institutions of Hunan agricultural investment loans,various types of Human agricultural enterprise investment,the agricultural investment in fixed assets accounted for Hunan city agricultural investment and the proportion of the details,the results of each period stage characteristics of Hunan agricultural business in previous years of development,combined with the mode of development,also found that Hunan agricultural electronic business enterprise management is not standardized,the business risk is high,aiming at the shortage of innovative products and services,lack of publicity,the problem of banks and enterprises information asymmetry,policy support is not enough.By using Logistic analysis method to analyze the influencing factors of Hunan agricultural business financing,solvency is affected if they meet the financing needs of agricultural business profitability is the key factor,is an important factor affecting agricultural business financing,financing risk assessment of the impact of agriculture on the electricity supplier financing obviously,operation ability should attach great importance in agricultural business financing in the current sales mode can not be ignored.According to the empirical analysis of the factors analysis of the status quo and influence on Hunan agricultural business financing,from strengthening the construction of the credit system,update the concept of active service,vigorously carry out preferential policies,enterprises should strengthen the cooperation with the third party to enhance enterprise credit,vigorously develop equity investment,broaden the sources of business financing the government should support the financing agencies to increase bank credit support six put forward the improvement suggestions of Hunan agricultural business financing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural E-commerce, E-commerce financing, influence factor
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