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Study On The Development And Countermeasures Of Modern Logistics Industry In Pubei County

Posted on:2019-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Z HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330542995964Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Modern logistics industry is an industry that is constantly upgrading and expanding on traditional logistics.Compared with traditional logistics,it combines packaging,transportation,distribution and warehousing activities to form a systematic supply chain and provide more efficient and comprehensive logistics services to its customers.Modern logistics plays an important role in regulating market supply and demand,optimizing industrial structure and enhancing economic development.Logistics has become one of the most important ways to integrate the global economy.We need to constantly "go out" and "come in",strengthen economic exchanges with other regions,enhance domestic influence,and promote the cross-border development of local economies and societies.Pubei County,which is located at the confluence of Nanning,Qinzhou,Beihai,Yulin and Guigang,is actively changing its development thinking and transforming the industry-led development model into the service-led development model.The economic pull of the primary and secondary industries is gradually decreasing,and the share of the tertiary industry will continue to rise.At the same time,with the opening of Guihe Expressway(S31),Pubei County is integrated into China-Malaysia Industrial Park,Qinzhou Port Economic and Technology Development Zone and Beihai Iron Mountain Port "1.5" hour logistics circle,and the conditions for building Beibu Bay Logistics Transit Station have been ripe.Based on the "third party profit source" theory of logistics,this paper analyzes the current situation of the economic development and the modern logistics industry in pubei County,and studies the logistics demand,points out the existing problems and causes of the modern logistics industry in pubei County,and puts forward some suggestions for the development of the modern logistics industry in pubei county.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pubei County, Modern logistics, Development and Countermeasures
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