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Upgrading Path Of Fujian Textile Industry And Co Untermeasures

Posted on:2017-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2429330542987934Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up,China relies on cheap labor as the basis of comparative advantage,actively participate in international division of labor,rely on the international market demand to promote China's domestic employment and economic growth.As a recognized industry,China's entry into the WTO,the textile and apparel industry has become China's foreign trade export growth of the most robust industry.However,with the increasing trade barriers,rising raw material prices,the appreciation of the renminbi,export tax rebate rate down,rising environmental costs,wage increases for workers and factors of influence,China's textile industry rely on cheap labor for the comparative advantage b(?)ed rapid expansion of exports hair exhibition mode is more and more difficult to sustain.So the government introduced a number of measures to encourage domestic textile industry industrial upgrading,the upgrading of the textile industry included in"2025" planning of manufacturing in China,and Fujian Province as one of the key provinces of China textile industry,with billions of textile production scale,the textile market mature,complete marketing system,2014 countries approved(?)establishment of free trade zone,Fujian,of textile industry in Fujian Province,(?)a double positive news.Therefore,how to grasp the new historical opportunity of the textile industry in Fujian Province,and to complete the upgrading of the textile industry will become the subject we must face.Combined in this paper on the basis of summing up the results of previous studies based,cross application of management,economics.statistics and other relevant theoretical knowledge,to relatively mature industry upgrading theory as the analysis tool,take literature reading and the actual research method combining,case study and comparative study,qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis combining a variety of methods,to Fujian Province and Fujian Province textile industry upgrading.Combined with economic growth theory,value chain theory,the use of comparative analysis method,analysis of Fujian province textile industry upgrading road.The main contents of this paper consists of the following parts:firstly,the article describes the background and significance of the research,which leads to the necessity of upgrading the textile industry;then expounds relevant theories of textile industry upgrading,discusses the concept,characteristics and development of the textile industry cycle,introduces some representative theory of industrial upgrading after the introduction of the status quo;development,Fujian province textile industry achievements,and relying on the theoretical analysis of the necessity of Fujian Province Textile Industry and upgrading industrial upgrading;thirdly,to Italy,Japan and the status quo of the domestic textile industry and successful experience were introduced;finally on the basis of the experience of domestic and foreign textile experience upgrade industry of Fujian Province,the textile and garment industry upgrading problems puts forward some pertinent suggestions,hope to help Textile industry in Fujian province to achieve a successful upgrade.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fujian Province, textile industry, industry upgrading
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