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Design And Implementation Of Medical E-commerce Platform

Posted on:2019-01-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z K TangFull Text:PDF
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With the development of national health care,the traditional model of medical care is inefficient,and it has been unable to adapt to the health of China's health today.Therefore,the ministry of health of the People's Republic of China(MOH)has identified a key development of Internet + medical needs in the 12 th five-year plan.The medical e-commerce platform was born.It not only corresponds to the current trend of industry development,but also conforms to the requirements of medical informatization construction proposed by the MOH.The design system of this paper is called : the medical electronic commerce platform system.It's based on Java,and the MySQL database is implemented as a base support.Java is one of the mainstream languages in the big systems development today,and it's very functional,simple and practical.At the same time Java has excellent cross-platform and do not rely on the computer platform.MySQL,as an open source embedded relational database management system,is favored by developers and enterprises for its high speed,reliability and adaptability in small and medium-sized systems.Compared with MSSQL and Oracle,MySQL is more suited to the Java platform,perfectly supports JDBC,and can work on different platforms.The overall system is implemented in the lightweight Java EE framework: Spring + Spring MVC +Hibernate.Spring main effect on the system design of layer framework,provides a set of core of dependency injection mechanism,based on AOP declarative transaction processing,excellent Web MVC framework and a variety of technical specification for the persistence layer,for lightweight development provide the construction plan of the enterprise.Spring MVC is a Web MVC design pattern request drive type of lightweight Web framework.It is based on Java,which is designed to simplify Web development and facilitate changes to pages and maintenance.Hibernate persistence layer is a lightweight Java EE applications solutions,its main is responsible for managing the Java mapping to the database,query mode and access permissions,such as the use of it greatly shortens the time of data processing.This paper system is mainly based on the Internet platform,the user through the network access system,according to the user rights,the ordinary user part of the main realization: online hospital information query,doctor department query,self-registration,self-payment,self-admission,online conversation with the hospital doctor and other functions.The management user part mainly realizes: hospital information management,doctor information management,department information management,registration information management,admission information management and message management.After testing,the system can realize that patients can register payment and online drug purchase on the platform without leaving the home.It solves the problem that the traditional hospital-seeking model patients spend too long in line in the hospital,so that patients do not have to spend a lot of time waiting for medical treatment,but really spend time on medical treatment,and have more time to communicate with doctors.Secondly,the platform realizes the integration of medical resources and integrates different hospital resources,that is,patients can choose different hospitals,departments and doctors on the platform for registration.It fully reflects the convenience and rapidity of Internet + medical treatment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medical e-commerce platform, Java, MySQL, Spring, Hibernate
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