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Online Buy Books System Based On JSP

Posted on:2011-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2178360305999647Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of information technology, the application of nework is becoming more and more extensive in people's lives. There is a growing focus on the efficiency and time and hope that in the shortest possible time to buy the books which they need. However, due to the large bibliography of books and the rapid updating of information, the purchase of books to bookstores is becoming a very time-consuming and laborious thing for people who working and living busy. So book purchase online has become so attractive for people. The system responds to the needs of the design which is both time and effort.Nowadays, on e-commerce sites, the online bookstore is one of the most widely used and successful examples. Through such Web site, users can take full advantage of the facility which the development of Internet bring to humanity and take a breakthrough in time and space constraints and realize the online book buying finally.The system My Eclipse6.0 as the main development tool, using MySQL database to interact with the database through hibernet to realize user registration, login, authentication and user data collection, navigate and purchase books and other functions.This article focuses on the online bookshopping system based on MVC design and implementation of the functions, including system requirements analysis and functional design, database design and the design of the main JSP page. Pointing at requirement provided by online purchasing system, Articles take note of analysis and design to system development and classify the foreground and background of ordinary users administrators to manage two landing modules according to the system functional requirements. On the Ordinary user module in the foreground, also contains the user login and register, shopping cart, book list and order generation and other major functional blocks. In the Administrator background module, there are user management, books information management, book information display, order processing and other major function modules, introducing the implementation of each module subsystems in detail. Finally, the paper shows the problem involved in creating the system, main tachnolgy and existing problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:MVC, Hibernate, JSP+Servle, MySQL, Java, Electronic commerce
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